two christian guys share how they battle lust

Lust. It’s where the battle for purity begins in the life of any Christian (not just men). But how exactly can we overcome lustful …


  1. Whenever I see a woman that I find especially physically attractive my immediate thought is something like "wow she is gorgeous, I sure would like to get to know her" or some kind of variation of that. I have been thinking and wondering if that want to spend time with her, being that it is based only on sight of her, is lust or not. I dont feel that stereotypical, like in the movies, male mentality of "OH SHES SO HOT I JUST WANT TO **** HER". My initial thoughts are those more along the lines of wanting to meet her, get to know her, spend time with her if possible.

  2. I’ve struggled with addiction since I was 7 years old and I’m done. I’m tired of feeling shameful for my actions and not having control. I’m ready to grow and mature into the man God wants me to be

  3. Jesus was talking about commiting adultery by making mental plans to seduce a married woman. He wasn't talking about feeling sexual desire towards a woman in general. No wonder modern Christians are so neurotic

  4. I'm raising boys and YES this talk is neccesary for both men and women. I give them examples of perversion while we watch movies or tv and even cartoons. They can spot it on their own now so they know to quickly turn their heads or change the channel.

    I also taught my oldest how to "bounce his eyes". Young girls and grown grown women push everthing out and he stares from pure curiosity. It can really desensitize a young boy to come to expect to see women half naked all the time.

    I'm not trying to shield him from sex itself but to not become lustful. It's not easy because boys are super visual and they like the view.

    I just want them to be conscience about what they are actually feeling and to find a way to control unwanted desires.


  5. I'm raising boys and YES this talk is neccesary for both men and women. I give them examples of perversion while we watch movies or tv and even cartoons. They can spot it on their own now so they know to quickly turn their heads or change the channel.

    I also taught my oldest how to "bounce his eyes". Young girls and grown grown women push everthing out and he stares from pure curiosity. It can really desensitize a young boy to come to expect to see women half naked all the time.

    I'm not trying to shield him from sex itself (Sex is great in marriage) but to not become lustful. It's not easy because boys are super visual and they like the view.

    I just want them to become conscience about what they are actually feeling and to find a way to control unwanted desires.


    Great job guys👍

  6. I suffer from this 💔especially since it was my job💔 also they were giving me medication before that's what makes me stuck in addiction for a long time… But I quit that job and became a medical school Student to be a better person and achieve something useful in this world… But sometimes I get that lust back again 😭And I'm afraid to get into any relationship because men just look at me as an external body and shape and they ignore my intelligence and personality Even though I got rid of everything old, I'm afraid anyone will remember who I am in the past

  7. Problem is I can Create porn in my head
    I don’t need Instagram, sex scenes or anything like that to tempt me

    My brain makes it up itself most of the time
    For anyone struggling, if you let that thought stay for more than 3-5 seconds, it’s over
    (At least that’s how it works for me )

  8. Thank you for this video! I appreciate what you shared here brothers in Christ. Celebrate Recovery involves all hurts, hangups, habits – including lust. It can still be hard to share about these topics in general, but just wanted to mention that. "We aren't meant to walk out these struggles by ourselves" Amen!

  9. hope you all have a nice week, wanted to let you know that Jesus loves you and died for you. you might think of this as annoying and you’ve seen it a lot, but it’s more than that. those who share this are happy with Christ and believe in eternal life and happiness. they want you to be a part of that too, and so do i. you can have your own opinion and i respect it and you can ignore this and that’s fine. stay safe. i believe in you. in whatever you want to do. God has not left you, and never will. again, Jesus Christ loves you so much. He is willing to heal you and anyone else no matter what they’ve done. He has died for us and proved that He is the Christ, Savior, and Protector. God heals us, even though we are wicked. think about that. may we not be ashamed to share His word, He was not ashamed of us.

  10. Im not struggling with porn, im struggling with actually wanting and thinking about fucking ppl. Like it just comes in my head and i immediatly try to stop it but im scared that im just lusting after a guy i might like. Im fasting and praying today, trying to get back in the sound mind i used to have. Hopefully ill over come this soon🙏🏾

  11. It’s so hard for men and women alike nowadays because today’s society bombards us with stirring images, whether it’s in ads, movies, suggest searches, etc. thank you for making this, you help those struggling not feel alone! 🤝

  12. Hypermasculinity becomes a way to compensate, especially since the unspoken truth is that Christian men are required to have a personal, loving relationship with a male deity and surrender their will to a male-dominated authoritarian church. Submission to church authority, after all, is a potent form of emasculation. The domination men are encouraged to practice in the home over women and children becomes a reflection of the domination they are taught to endure outside the home.

  13. Personally I don’t think the stuff said here and most of the responses in the comment section are very healthy particularly for teens to hear. This is the sort of talk that can cause allot of internal guilt and anxiety for individuals. I think you can still be a Christian and understand that is natural and healthy to feel lust and even to enjoy it. I will also suggest it is healthy and positive to masturbate. It’s about balance and not letting lustful feelings and sexual desires or thoughts get out of control or cause problems in relationships.

  14. Lust isn't about the physical aspect, it's about the psychological. Lust is a form of abuse and like all forms of abuse the psychological element is what drives the whole issue. As a survivor of childhood, domestic abuse, I know this almost better than anyone. The reason why people have this false sense of what lust is is because they don't understand that part, we see a mere fraction of what happened during these cases (the sexual assualt) and believe that's all there is to it. Because of this, we assume the victim was responsible for "enticing" the perpetrator, this is ignorance. What we don't see is the priming and grooming and intimidation and breaking down of the victim's psychology in order to make this happen. That part of it is more "fun" for the villain than the actual assualt and that's why all acts of lust (pee…dough…feel ya, raype, incest, prostitution, po…rn, molestation, neck…row…feel ya, zoo—feel ya, homosexuality) are deemed men—tall disorders. Do your research and you'll find that the majority of sexual predators have severe men—tall disorders and PTSD. This is what I wish more people understood.

  15. “If one is to believe that God made humans with the sexual urges they possess and then imposed these restrictive rules on the exercise of these urges, then it must be considered that this god is very cruel. Or much more likely that this god does not exist and that the doctrine of sexual suppression was a human invention that served to instill guilt and shame in people so that they could more easily be controlled.”

    —Michael Runyon

  16. See the problem that's also negative is when your sex drive is no longer active and you might be married or desire no sex in a marriage. Let the church speak on that or fear of love after many years of singleness.

  17. I always tell people…true beauty comes from the inside and personality. You can deceive yourself and others by changing the outside…..but you can't change your personality. You could be the sexiest human alive, but if your personality is horrible, you are the ugliest.


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