What Does Theological Discipleship in the Church Look Like? Elizabeth Woodsen

Elizabeth Woodson, a Bible teacher and theologian, discusses her passion for Bible study, discipleship, and theological …


  1. I'm apart of a really good prayer group on toutube. But we need to get back to basics. More ans more people are opening their houses. I went to one church that sisbt believe in Satan. They believed its all metaphors of human evils. Or possessions are just what Jesus encountered. My family encountered such bad demonic possessions. God himself called a rwvered from a neighbouring city and told him to move to our town to help.

  2. Preston, I love the way you interview and preach.

    And today I really enjoy listening to Elizabeth…I am in Texas also.

    My question is something y’all
    are not talking about. Here goes…..what do either of you
    think of NDE’s , near death experience’s?

    Thank you so much!!!!

  3. 80% of the Bible is in the last 7 books + Revelation.
    How i tell people.
    Read 1peter – jude = 80% theology.
    Then read Revelation like 5 Xs.
    Now…start in Mathew …to the end of Revelation
    Then…go to Genesis 1:1…read on for the next year…if you want OR JUST LISTEN TO KJV AUDIOBOOK in 1 week 🔵

  4. 1 peter through jude can be read through in a day. And revelation slowely in a week .
    Thats 88.8% of the whole Bible. 👍✝️
    N.t. theology is completely different than the old…so folks need to grasp the new FIRST, then go tie in prophecy etc within its original context.
    *Revelation is in real time now so its extremely important to to understand we are still in chapter 3….and the rest of the book is future tense still to come.


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