What Gender Identity Means to Today's Teens

What does your teen think about gender? For the last five years, SHE Media has been filming with a focus group of about 25 kids, …


  1. this made me tear up ;; these kids are so open minded and accepting. they know and understand more than adults nowadays. i can't wait for the future with gen z ! i feel like this generation is a lot more accepting and loving than the precious generations.

  2. Nothing is new under the sun. All of this has happened in history over and over again right before civilizations collapsed. Unfortunately these children are not being raised with knowledge of history.

  3. Everyone: „Accept everyone and let them be themselves!“
    Me, a male: Identifying as a girl and will use the girls restroom from now on.
    Also me: Gets a lawsuit for sexual harassment

  4. This is sad! We should teach to not define yourself based on society's construct or your gender. Feeling like a gender is based on social construct! You are who you are! Your gender was identified by very distinct body parts not my what you felt like! I can't grasp why people think it feels a certain way to be a gender. That's a serious problem all in itself! I feel like I want to play with trucks instead of dolls doesn't make me a boy or a girl! There is no feeling to gender it just is!

  5. How about stop defining our selves by society's expectations? Why can't boys wear dresses, play with dolls, wear makeup, be emotional and identify as boys? Why can't girls have short hair, hate pink and dolls and have stereotypically masculine activities and still identify as girls? Maybe it's time to stop giving importance to gender as a personality trait and stop trying to fit in a box. Let's start teaching kids what they are and what female, male and intersex bodies are, and tell them they don't have to conform to gender roles. This is going to save many kids from the unnecessary confusion.

  6. Here's my system. If you can give birth to a child you're a woman. If you can inseminate a woman you're a man.
    I will call you by your biological gender or alternatively by your name, not what you believe you are or wish to be.

  7. The thing is, there's been several times growing up I wished to be a boy, even a couple times at daycare I stood up to use the restroom like a boy, I had all these hints growing up and now I'm even more uncomfortable with my body in my teenage years, I feel regret whenever I go in a female restroom and don't really hang out with people who are female, I hang out with a boy and two people of a different gender altogether….

  8. We're talking identity. So, when a 75-year-old man "Identifies" as a 12-year-old boy, then dates your 10-year-old daughter, I guess that's ok too. This goofiness, all needs to stop. If your born as a male or female that's what you are. You're all going to say "Oh, that's different" No it isn't, sex/age what's the difference you're still identifying as something you're not. I don't care what someone's life style is, but when you start self-identifying as something you're not…That's when I have a problem.

  9. Instead of obssessing over a script about their identity and pronouns, these children should be out playing on the swings or on their bikes in the local park.
    As long as there is no surgery below the age of 25, I guess there's no harm in all this woo-woo.
    There is far too much vocal fry in this video.
    Incidentally Girard Sharp attorneys (San Francisco CA) are investigating reported adverse effects of puberty blocking medication on transgender minors who have taken the drugs. Lawyers were always gonna get involved in this chaos if they could see a way of making a good living from it.
    Anybody notice a sharp decline over recent months in the number of videos on YT advocating for trans stuff for under 18s?

  10. People never seem to say this, but it's so key to nonbinary identity. Nonbinary isn't just gender expression, that's an outdated idea of gender, or should be. Nonbinary identity is biological too the expression just may or may not follow the biology of nb people and is a different matter entirely.
    Biological sex has been tested and found to be a spectrum in the shape of two hills with a valley in the middle. There is peak female biology and peak male biology and the myriad of variation in sex characteristics forming the valley in between. My point is that intersex people exist and are as common as redheads. Intersex means you physically have male, female, and/or in between biological sex characteristics. So why can't you want that for your body? Why can't you want to fall in between if that's what makes you feel comfortable. I don't want people to be attracted to me as a woman or a man, I want them to see someone who is androgynous. That's how I'm most comfy in life and there's a good chance a brain scan would prove that I have a trans brain and that my feelings are there for a reason. People with transgender brains have a brain closer to that of their desired sex than that of their birth sex. There is also a part in all brains that accounts for sense of self, and a trans person's has something wrong with it. It's just like being born with any other condition. And according to brain scans, the best way to fix this part of the brain is hormone therapy and otherwise transitioning. You can be born biologically female and desire to be more biologically androgynous. There is literally not a single thing wrong with that.

    If you do proper research into this and still are against it, you just enjoy being a bigot and thinking your better than other people for no reason.

  11. Im.not sure what.to think
    Let me say that I strongly feel that these kids are being brainwashed like how we get brainwashed into silly stuff like Facebook and social media stuff . My 13 yr old daughter is a.tom boy I'm happy she dresses with class I should say compared to.how some girls dress these days anyways my daughter is thinks she is something she is not.and talks all.this crap and been since she's been watching tic toc her school counselor promotes it in her office it's every where these kids go. BOY and GIRLS are being brainwashed


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