Marriage Maximization: “Working Through Trauma Together”

Scripture: John 10:10 Speaker: Dr. Natasha Stewart-Gresham People don’t usually wear their trauma on their sleeves. We may …


  1. Thank you, Jesus, for this wonderful session. I have been helped a lot. It's like I was doing one on one with natasha. I thought I was the only person with trauma, but today, I learned a lot. Thank you, Potter's house. Thank you, Nattasha. Abundant blessings.

  2. I love Dr. Natasha! She is so real and practical! And I love that my church has these type of classes available, especially online because I live in Wisconsin for the time being. I am grateful for the therapist Dr. Natasha and Dr. Jar Barnett teaching emotional intelligence as we the body of Christ really need to be stronger in it! I hope their classes will continue. 🫶🏽🙏🏽


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