It's Official, The Kendrick Brothers have announced their upcoming film is currently in the works! The creators of highly successful films, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Courageous, War Room, are at it again! Find out more here on Christian Cinema Weekly!

Pic of the Week:

Noah's Park:

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:42:24. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. God has blessed the Kendrick brothers. I pray that the Kendrick brothers continue to honor the Lord Jesus in their films. Hollowwood ruins Biblically based films because without prayer, the Spirit of God nor the love and fear of God in the process you have the mind of man and fallen angel making a mockery of a Biblical account. Hence, Russel Crowe’s debacle in ‘Noah’ and Christian Bales’ travesty in ‘Exodus’. If only they would have adhered faithfully to the Word of God. But, we have to remember that while Almighty God as revealed in Jesus the Christ is the true God of Heaven and earth, the god of this world is Satan.and he fights viciously for Hollywood.

  2. Courageous is probably my favorite Kendrick’s movie but i havent seen Facing the Giants, sooooo….I think their next movie will probably be about persecution, just guessing though….


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