Jesus, The Hope of the World | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

The hope of Jesus Christ is the only answer to what the world is facing today. Hear Billy Graham explain how you can find it in this …


  1. He Was The Rock 🪨 that a lowly Shepard boy used to slay a giant named Goliath. The Song 🎶 that soothed a broken king named Saul The Staff that ate them snakes 🐍 🐍 of Pharaoh’ priests and He IS The Master of Heaven no one else can Say the same Amen and Amen 🙏 ❤🎉

  2. 성령하나님 두손들고 환영합니다 아멘입니다 할렐루야 샬롬 참 좋은날
    새날 복 만복 받으세요 살아계시 하나님 아버지께 영광 올려드립니다 감사 사랑해요 예수 그리스도 아멘입니다

  3. John 1:17
    "17 For the law was given through Moses(😊❤); grace(😊❤)and truth( Jesus😊1st❤) came through Jesus Christ( Jesus😊1st❤our savior in Christ😊❤)."( John 1:17 ESV Study Bible)


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