Zoe Saldana really fucking tried it with her on-screen-built-like-E.T.-shaped-head-ass. Eddie Long and his problematic ass is six …


  1. 😕I have never heard of this guy/girl or what ever it claims to be before! Some misguided "Num Nut" forwarded me this video( so I guess they were interested in my response).😮But my"Intelligent Rebuttal" shall come from the following references: For starters the Naked Ape/Social Justice is a mental illness. Then just conduct a You Tube search of the following: Anthony Brian Logan, Paul Joseph Watson, The Fallen State, Armoured Skeptic, Mark Dice, The Next News and High Impact Flix to just name a few, "Happy Surfing."🙋😌 Oh yeah, good riddance to the 1st black president that "NEVER" was!!!👎💩👎😂👎

  2. I'm not mad either with trump being in office. I love seeing privileged people go through a struggle thinking their mamas money will save them. lmaooooo (evil laugh). oh this will be good.

  3. Just found your channel, watched a few videos and haven't heard ONE damn thing I disagree with. DRAG THEIR A*ES! Donald Chump and the rest of his a* kissing crew can go straight to hell.

  4. Who in the hell is this????  I literally clicked on the wrong video and OMFG.  It is too early in the morning for all of this but I listened anyway.  Kids………stop playing with your parents equipment while they are at work.  If you are angry, go out and look for work.  If you are depressed, and/or confused,  find an expensive therapist.  If you are lonely, have lunch with a relative or a friend.  If you really don't know what's bothering you, dust off your credit card and head to Saks or even better, further your education.  Just stop doing things that you will look back on in a few years and regret.

  5. The Bible has verses that condemned homosexuality but the bible was created by King James and the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church are a bunch of corrupt lying child rapist so I don't believe anything that comes from them.


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