Ambulance Girl | FULL MOVIE | 2005 | Kathy Bates | Inspiring Drama, First Responder

When paralyzing phobias threaten the personal and professional life of food writer Jane Stern, she decides to steer them both in a …


  1. She doesn't treat him like a husband. She never kisses him or touches him or hugs him or really engages with him in a personal or intimate way. It's more like they're mere acquaintances, at best.

  2. I've never seen Kathy Bates act this badly. In fact, I've never seen her act any way but great. But in this awful movie, she's trying to be all gamin and cute, like Goldie Hawn or Diane Keaton. Holy Batman! What a bad decision on someone's part.

  3. Wow! This movie is an absolute gem. A very relatable story indeed. I enjoyed how the story pulled on my heart strings ❤as well. I also liked being captivated by the analogy of fear being a hologram as it’s only an illusion 😊.I have to say for the first time ever I actually enjoyed the ad during this movie. I usually give a scowl look when an adult or commercial play during a movie. However, I seen a music video with John rich and Tom McDonald called the end of the world. Absolute gem as well. YouTube I give you my 5 stars for this whole experience. 😊pulled on my heart strings then made my heat smile 😀 that’s considered a wonderful time indeed.

  4. Outstanding news… Christ's blood, his death on the cross, releases us from the guilt of sin, accepting us as righteous in God's sight Colossians1:20 The cross shows the seriousness of our sin, it also shows God's immeasurable love. There's hope and salvation to all who put their trust in Jesus. Please think about it.

  5. Touching, fun, funny without alot of schmatz. Kathy Bates and co star did a great job. Slices of life we can relate to as middle aged and older. But younger could appreciate it too as universal themes. Safe family movie viewing.

  6. Thankyou , I enjoyed it very much. I Have always enjoyed Kath bates movies . I do not think I have seen them all. I do not get out to see movies. Far too costly , and often too far. I don not have cable, And my budget t is to small to allow to go out and rent a movie therefore thank you again


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