100 Year Prophecy (William J  Seymour)


  1. That is wonderful to hear about the 100 year prophecy, I believe the Pentecostal churches or individuals receiving the anointing of the Holy Spirit could benefit the drug and alcohol abuse, plus individuals that could lead better lives through the salvation of Jesus Christ with the anointing of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I need to pray harder help it come about, my goodness William Seymour was praying 5 hours and then 7 hours nightly, that is awesome. I tire out at 45 mins at best, need to do more.

  2. Why is my name affiliate to this auburnhouseofprayer? I know nothing about this ministry and have not heard of so much as what you believe. Where are you located?
    Please contact me regarding this matter immediately. 8325527916

  3. William J Seymour headed the preaching of the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles in 1906 initiating charismatic spiritually in modern time. William was born May 2, 1870, in Centerville, Louisiana the son of former black slaves. He was baptized in Franklin, Louisiana at The Church of the Assumption Roman Catholic church and had a blend of Roman Catholic, Baptist and Louisiana Voodoo spirituality along with intense racial inequality influencing him during his upbringing. He was a troubled young man tormented by hallucinations and a vexed victim of the circumstance of his youth. He tried to find solace by moving several times: Indianapolis, Indiana; Cincinnati, Ohio; Jackson, Mississippi; Houston, Texas and finally Los Angeles, California were the movement began. Everywhere he went he sought spirituality whether Christian or heretical. He contracted smallpox yet lived but thus lost his eye to the disease in Cincinnati; possibly a physical manifestation of his own skewed spiritual blindness. As bad as the loss of his eye, his introduction to Charles Parham a preacher and instructor of heresy in Houston was far worse. Parham influenced young William to the “baptism of the Holy Ghost” and glossolalia so called “speaking in tongues” to formulate the assurance of one’s salvation. William was taken by this paradigm witnessing such the like as a boy beholding Louisiana Voodoo, a mixture of a deluded understanding Roman Catholicism’s sacramental veneration of deceased saints and west African tribes’ spirituality with dancing and incoherent vocal response through demonic possession. This is the stuff of charismatic spirituality in the guise of Christianity, then in William’s day and now it is much the same with the addition of patripassianism the modalistic view of God and Hindu Kundalini the demon possession brought upon by music and focusing on flowing waves of “love” manifesting in bodily gyrations, running mad, psychotic laughter and incoherent utterances. **Stay far away from this dangerous spiritual deception and if you are partaking separate yourself in great haste.** Repent and seek ye the Kingdom of the King of Kings, Christ, Jesus!

  4. Its true revival has come and we were waiting and it may just erupted in Africa a most unlikely place for it to happen and it will spread across the globe. we are seeing extra-ordinary levels of the manifestation of Gods Spirit. Miracles, signs, wonders likes gold dust falling on people, anointing dripping from the palms of congregants, weight loss, cancer and many incurable diseases disappearing in an instant. I have been exposed to a man called Emmanuel Makandiwa from Zimbabwe and the Lord is using him tremendously in this dimension its almost unbelievable.

  5. I believe in the power of the Holy Ghost! I also believe why happened with the Azusa Street revival. But I have a hard time understanding why this prophecy did not come to pass. Whatever God says will happen, it happens. So it could not have been God that told him that.

    All I can think of is that God does not want us to trust in man, but in him. It is a strong tendency of us to lift men up higher than God intended. I am guilty of this as well.

    Lord help us all to trust in you alone! While we know that you have appointed some pastors and teachers and have set up authority in churches, please help us to discern evil, knowing the fruits of the Spirit, considering the end of their conversation. Amen

  6. in 2004 I was at a prophetic conference, when a white shiny door with it's frame appeared with gold metallic numbers on the frame above the door like an address was 1906. Then the words were spoken "Just push the door and it will open". So with my right hand, I reached up and pushed the door open. Following that a second set of commands were spoken "Now take a step and you'll be in ". With my right leg and foot I stepped through the white door, I was on the other side of the door with only one step. the voice then said "You will need to go through 1901 and 1904 to get to 1906".
    These dates represented 1901-Topeka outpouring, 1904- Welsh revival, 1906-Azuza Street.

  7. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl9OOJpjSNU&t=5s

    This lady said that he and two others prophesied saying, “in about 100 years.” It didn’t seem to be an exact date. Nevertheless, the body of Christ is growing and these miracles are still happening. I haven’t seen them to the extent of Azusa yet, but the Lord healed my back. I was 20 years old and had severe nerve damage from a fourwheeler accident. I was in agony every day. But, the Lord poured out his spirit one night and I saw a vision of our church ceiling opening up and the angels of heaven flooding in the building. I have absolutely no problem with it now. Don’t give up brothers and sisters. God has great things in store for those who love and wait for him.

  8. I have often thought, if you have to tell people your church is having revival, it probably isn't. When the fire department is called enough that they stop responding…then you have revival!


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