A teenager discovers his unruly neighbor is a rock star who supposedly died eight years ago. ✔️ More exclusive movies on …


  1. To all the young people trapped in a world of comfort and safety – do your own research, do not let a group fix your opinions on anything. Find out for yourself – you will mature and grow, knowing that truth has many faces and aspects. They will tell you about un-fixable problems. But they are wrong.

  2. Randomly showed up in my feed. I clicked it, read a few comments and figured I'd give it a watch. Best decision I've made all day. Great movie really.
    Leaving a comment to hopefully generate some traffic. 👌

  3. I accidentally came into this video but watched all the way to the end. The story was well predictable without any surprise, maybe one could call it lame, but it was a whole different, music focused movie without any nasty commercial, unnecessary scenes, from other major teenager movies. I love how so many music videos were put into the movie. This is how a music focused, zero to hero movies should look like.

  4. After few min into the movie I realise how much of an AH the MC Is…The guy just wants alone time with his music and plants(If you know what I mean) thats all he wanted!

  5. Last week I discovered METALHEAD – a film about an Icelandic 12 yr old whom finds her dying older metal loving brother after an agricultural accident – takes over his guitar and does the whole early 90s Norwegian Black Metal thing . It’s extremely good. This week I find this equally engaging movie . NEITHER required Explosions or millions to make. Thankyou for putting this out for us to enjoy 😁❤️🏴👍


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