A Day in the Word is a weekly YouTube bible study for youth and people of all ages. In today’s episode, Jon talks about the …


  1. I'm looking for a bible study for my teen son. This is the kind of personality he could really relate to, and enjoy. I plan to still share this channel with him, but wondering if anyone could recommend similar personality with a channel that walks through the bible cover to cover/ New Testament.

  2. KIngdom under god can only come from communism as jezus clearly preached in the new testiment. Capitalism is a wells spring for the sin of pride. This video is proof pudin of this poiNt.

  3. "Man is systematically, on a grand scale, per individual, little-by-little, burying The Creator(Bible); not because he doesn't exist, but because little by little, people don't want him to, in their lives, "political correctness", selfishness, getting praise from the 'scientific" community, man, etc. People want their marijuana, alcohol, general selfishness, pride, lying, whatever they want, rather than what their maker wants, little by little, denying him further and further, generation by generation. And yeah, there's a reason why he's allowing it."

    "Fairy tales usually begin like this: "Long time ago and far away… Sounds like Evolutionism."


    So we have little evidence on the effectiveness of peer review, but we have considerable evidence on its defects. In addition to being poor at detecting gross defects and almost useless for detecting fraud it is slow, expensive, profligate of academic time, highly subjective, something of a lottery, prone to bias, and easily abused."


    So peer review is a flawed process, full of easily identified defects with little evidence that it works. Nevertheless, it is likely to remain central to science and journals because there is no obvious alternative, and scientists and editors have a continuing belief in peer review. How odd that science should be rooted in belief."

    article quoted


    Further reading


    Just like everything else in this world, where everything is going; there IS a mob/bully mentality, but it's the WORLD turning towards those who speak the TRUTH; THAT is becoming the systematic "discrimination". It's "scientific consensus" rather than "looking at what is true" regardless of "consensus".

    "It is easy to be wrong and do wrong, but to do what is right… "straight and narrow" as opposed to doing whatever one feels, >saying< whatever one feels, alcohol, lying to get a raise, claiming to have found a new scientific discovery, that doesn't make people who "suppress the truth in unrighteousness" angry, coming up with an explanation that leads away rather than towards The Creator, etc."

    "Mob mentality, Buffalo, herd, following the one's in front of them, not wanting to step out of line because it's easier, feels safer, yet off a cliff they will go"

    "When there are many words, wrongdoing is unavoidable,

    But one who restrains his lips is wise."

    "Multiverse, millions of years, many of, to attempt at reasoning away the one, the obvious, the directly observable science, and what is logically inferred from such…"

    “Natural selection eliminates and maybe maintains, but it doesn't create… Neo-Darwinists say that new species emerge when mutations occur and modify an organism. I was taught over and over again that the accumulation of random mutations led to evolutionary change [which] led to new species. I believed it until I looked for evidence.”

    ― Lynn Margulis

    "How long it takes to cleanup a mess, that takes but moments to make…"

    "Atheists/Democrats are slippery because they have no legs to stand on🐍"

    "Leftism is an ideology, a religion of the self." – Matt Walsh

    "If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain." – Winston Churchill

    "I never discuss anything except politics and religion. There is nothing else to discuss." – G.K. Chesterton

    “Providence has given our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as privilege and interest, of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”

    ~ John Jay

    First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

    “The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities” -Ayn Rand

    "a lie get's halfway around the world while the truth is just getting it's shoes on"

    "In response to the book "Hundred Authors Against Einstein", Einstein replied: “Why 100? If I were wrong, one would have been enough."

    "A lie fears being questioned, The Truth does not"

    “No one is hated more than those who tell the truth” – Plato

    “Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.” – Mark Twain

    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."-Aristotle

    "Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday"

    "Fear is fake news for Christians"

    "You get flak when you're nearing or are over the target"


    "I've always thought of capitalism as better than socialism, but have jokingly, and seriously, said, >just< that it's better than communism/socialism and so on. Man has fallen; ANY system we try to make, will be imperfect, will not be optimal, has the ability for corruption at any given moment. The reason I think capitalism, 'least so far, seems better, is that it uses selfishness, and turns it into something better. The problem I see with socialism/communism is basically that of a bi-plane as opposed to a fighter jet; sure, one makes things easier, better, in the moment, but if whoever has the ability to steer wants something evil… The more power any system has, the more evil any system/entity can do, at any given moment. I have some pretty radical views on a government for imperfect people lol, that I readily accept may not be "optimal" like many people unified may be, however I think it would be kinda like a USA 2.0, having systems in place similar to capitalism, that while are far from perfect… Idk, in the end it's an agreement between people who live in the system, agree to go by the rules. It appears the world is going in a different direction, and The Bible teaches that it will, one world order, mark of the beast, buy, sell, etc.

    "How Eternity Changes The problem Of Evil" 4:01 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj2HujbTu8E

    Our goal as Christian in this life is not to be happy or even healthy(as #1 priority); it's about pointing people to The Truth/him.

    Microsoft patent



    "So how to fix? Well I think it's possible to actually, for a minority in this world, go in a good direction, and maybe the USA could be a place of refuge, or some other place that decides to do something like this, the idea/s I have atm, but I'm not sure that should be a "conservatives" priority; I'd say if anything, that the best way to change the world for the better, is to get to the root, the heart of man. And that is by "making disciples" of the true Jesus, not that soon-coming fake one"

    "If republicans really wanted to commit an insurrection, remember how republicans kind of like guns? Like, um, hmm…

    3:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNCe_jgPLRQ

    George Floyd

    "If you want a good example of ACTUAL systematic racism, discrimination, etc, look at the 40 million slaves around the world TODAY, or Hitler's reign. Anyone deemed inferior were systematically "weeded out". In the USA, before Martin Luther King Jr, sure, there was some "racist" stuff, but that was abolished. MLKjr and people with him didn't loot and burn cars and buildings, yet they changed/pushed the USA somewhere better, as the USA has been set up for. If the Floyd case were an ACTUAL case of racism and murder… If the sad situation, what happened to George Floyd, is the best case BLM has for racism being still alive in the USA, they got nothin'. Same thing happened to a white dude who died. It's not racism, just a sad messed up situation where someone says they cannot breathe BEFORE being on the ground, crying wolf… "

    Full Raw cop-cam footage of Floyd interaction (40-something minutes, informative) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gQYMBALDXc

    The reason I am ok with the thought of a seriously messed up world is >/

    Earth, after the great deception, final destruction of the fake good(fake jesus perhaps, and so on), the fallen world that is now, and a restoration to before it fell.

    Music, art, food, friendship… As one Christian author has called similar things, "The Great Romance"; The Bible makes references to us being like the bride. Not in a weird way, but in the best way possible. This world is messed up and will get worse, while appearing better, but then >after< all that messed up stuff, there will be amzing awesomness, a new restored perfect earth


    "Please watch the full free film on YT > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpSBFtg4LQ4

    2:37 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNLupnrNz7M

    The bad one's will appear to be the good one's and the good one's will be painted to be the evil one's. Fake Jesus, etc."

    Some music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXXxLwxfo0U&list=PLnnSy9DacfXJE-7ez4v69jV2GIeFz4TIN

    "Does The Bible(Job 40) Describe A Sauropod Dinosaur(Behemoth)?" 🦕🌿✨✝ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEJENaCgq70

  4. You know my family hates me! My Dad took me fishing and I had to swim back! My mother made ride my bicycle blindfolded while going the wrong way on the free way! My Dad took me to the Zoo but they gave me back! My Grandmother took me to a insane Asylum and told me to have fun while sge drove away very fast.

  5. What Matthew chapter 18 is talking about, is about Christian who wrongs another Christian, verse 23 to 35. Jesus tells us about forgiveness, if another Christian comes to person he/she sinned against, and ask forgiveness , you must forgive the person. Even if they dont ask forgiveness, forgive the person. It's for mental and health reasons. It will fester inside of you, growing into bitterness. The flip side of the coin. A Christian is not walking mat for anyone. If this amounts to abuse or psychological harrassment, cut the person out of your life. Forgive the person, and leave vengeance to God. Roman's chapter 12, Lord God says, Vengeance belongs to Me. And the greatest in God's kingdom is humility. Pride is the downfall for many people. Being conformed to the ways of the world is their downfall. Verse 10 is about , dont despise the little ones. Who is Jesus talking about?? Jesus is talking about God's Elect, their chosen before foundation of the world, ephesians chapter 1. God's election have special angels, they always have immediate access to God. Its written in psalms chapter 34:16. The face of the Lord is against them that do Evil, To cut off the remembrance of them from the face of the earth. Anyone who hurts God's Election, God has place for the wicked in the lake of fire, hebrews chapter 12, God is a consuming Fire!!!. This isn't a political statement or a game. Lot of people think they're going to heaven. Their spirtual condition is what God looks at. Is it polluted from traditions of men, false doctrine, playing church. Or sins that robbed them of paradise. Some people either don't care or dont get it. A person will self destruct from lifestyle of sinning. Like, God hates lying, if the liar doesn't correct their sin, it roots deeper and deeper. Alcoholism and druggies need to deal with their sins or they will Self Destruct!!. Were talking about spirtual destruction. Paul warns us of this in Corinthians chapter 6 and galatians chapter 5. Their either spirtualty polluted from playing church or they self destruct. Lot of folks end up in hell. What is hell??? Read Luke chapter 16, it's a gulf that separates paradise and hell. The spiritually dead are walking around in hell contemplating their fate on judgement day. The lake of fire doesn't appear until judgement day. Humility and obedience to God is success. Listening to sputters (false preachers), and no conviction of sins, is failure!!!. Dont self destruct, dont listen to sputters.


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