Warning: This could be the youth ministry game your kids will never stop playing. Poison is an old school ministry game with only …


  1. Our students love this game! This is probably been our number one requested game every week … we have been playing it since 2011 and it has never gotten old ( we just call it the "trash can game" )

    We have never played it with teams will have to give that a try.

    Thanks Paul

  2. It’s funny cause our group had a guy in a wheelchair and it was a bit awkward playing this game. He seemed not to mind sitting this one out. I hope he didn’t stop coming cause of it. But our youth minister said that he was probably never one of us like it says in 1 John 2:19

  3. My students love a game I call Hula Hoop Elimination. You have different sized and colored hula hoops placed around the gym floor or floor. You call out a color or size and give the kiddos 10 seconds to get to that size or color. I then go to 9 seconds, then 8 seconds, eventually I end up with 2 or 3 seconds. If there is a color or size that is called and there is an empty hula hoop of that size or color, I take it out. Play until there is only one person left. They love this game and I usually give the winner a high chew or something.

  4. We are currently reinvigorating our youth ministry, and I am super excited to introduce this game as an icebreaker tomorrow! Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to tuning in to your other resources!

  5. I have two games of course we have the original game of dodgeball one of our leaders is a world champion dodge ball player and is an absolute legend and an other game where we place keys under a chair and a child has to crawl up to them and grab them then sit down with them then the person who is sitting on the chair must guess who grabbed the keys but if the child grabbing the keys was too nosy the person blind folded on the chair can catch them out

  6. Our youth love playing “sardines” – two youth hide somewhere in the church (with some rules) and then everyone else works in pairs to try and find them. Once you find them you hide with them. Play ends when the last pair finds the rest of the group who is now all together like sardines!
    They LOVE this game and can’t wait to have their turn at being the pair that gets to hide that week. Takes about 10-15 mins per round. Great time filler.

  7. My youth ministry love the game call Yes and No. It's a game where two chairs are placed at the front with one bearing yes and the other bearing no. A long vertical line is drawn between the two chairs. Everybody stands behind the chair with the Yes and as the moderator calls no, everyone jumps across the line to the chair with the no. As he says yes everyone jumps back. Note: the moderator isn't force to do the call in order. This is because he have to trick everyone to know whose smart and fast.


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