Message: “You’re Still Covered” Scriptures: Exodus 16:3-8 (NKJV) Speaker: Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Date: Aug. 11, 2024 …


  1. I wish I had the means to be there… I need to be at the Woman Evolve conference! I need to be in a place to hear from God! To be in HIS presence! To hear HIS voice! To be In fellowship with others who can pour into me as well. I desperately need to be there honestly! I myself and family are in crisis! Divided since suffering loss after loss, never snapping back after Covid, and the many losses. Everyone is depressed and secluded. We keep taking unexpected loss after loss. I have 5 young adult daughters, and they are going through so much alone w/o each other. It’s like no one takes or ever gets together anymore. It’s really sad that everyone feels depleted. I myself too. I’m in transition to being/living alone after a 20 yr relationship is ending, and don’t know how or what I will be able to do by myself. Where I will stay having chronic health issues as well make it hard to work daily. My baby nephew was diagnosed with a non operable aggressive stage 4 brain cancer in June at age 7, and doctors tell his parents a year. I try to keep everyone encouraged, praying for, and reminding them of God’s promises, and love. My cup is empty though. I have always carried the burdens of others, and now it all seems too heavy. I think of death a lot, and I know that is not God! So I desperately need to hear a specific word from God! I believe I need to be there to hear it. Praying for everyone going through anything hard! This has been a hard season, but I declare it’s morning time for us all!!! May God bless you, and make His presence known to you. 💗🙏🏽🙌🏽

  2. I needed this, i have been married for 15 years, and in these 15 years, i have been a provider. My husband has never worked. And his not appreciating, his rude and complains about everything. I have been thinking about divorcing him. Please pray for me for peace

  3. I'm from South Africa and really wanted to come for women evolve but I don't have money.May the Lord provide for me so that I may fly there and go feed my spirit with other women.It'll really be a miracle to me 🙏


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