"You're Delusional" Chris Rock RAGES At Will Smith After He Slapped Him During The Oscars

“You’re Delusional” Chris Rock RAGES At Will Smith After He Slapped Him During The Oscars “He’s Delusional!” Chris Rock has …


  1. Nothing to do with will but got something to say about what was stated at 3:30 I doubt telling your sons to not hit anyone no matter what is a good idea there are a lot of circumstances where you need to defend yourself imagine some one punches you at school if you let that slide they'll do it again if someone else sees it they'll do the same next thing you know your a punching bag that fucks with a child I never thought about it but that could lead to alot of suicides (similar situation happened to me before regret not fighting back out of fear of suspension or expulsion)

  2. This was staged by Pfizer. They are into research of Alopacea medicines making. Pfizer was sponsorer of Oscars this time. This incident went viral. And Pfizer used this opportunity put the name of medicine on social media. Millions when they checked net, they were exposed to Pfizer. What a dangerous & cheated way was of used to expose their product to public.

  3. I have massive hair loss and it's either alopecia or post-covid. I would have been like wow um was that a compliment…because GI Jane is pretty badass…
    Oh well, and dusted it off.
    It's not like Jada is cowering trying to hide behind hats and wigs to cover it up. She is rocking that shaved head. I don't think I could do that but if mine keeps going in this direction it won't be long before I need to make a decision.

    Chris Rock has a learning disability and is a smaller guy. This could have been a learning opportunity about both diseases by Will Smith rather than committing the 'slap heard around the world'. Instead that's all we will remember is him losing his temper and living it up.

    If it had been a woman comedian…or a larger comedian or had that been a white guy doing that to Chris this would have been such a different outcome. Had Chris fallen and gotten a head injury or died then it would have been a different story.

    Next year are there going to be chairs thrown? Are there going to be brawls? Are we going to give that standing O's too?

  4. If you agree with the way at how things have gone . Then in no matter what case . You shouldn’t attend a comedy show or whatever what make you laugh . Because behind every laugh their is someone misery or misfortune . It’s not direct verbal attack like curse words or whatever . It’s something call Poke / teasing

  5. Now you know why people of color were kept out for so long, once in they denigrate everything around them. Will Smith you are a shame to your hard working brothers and should be banned from Oscars. I will never watch another movie of yours and this William thing will never grace my television or social media/

  6. Why Smith first 😂😂😂 at the joke and only after that went and slap Cris. Why is this even something people arguing about while prices of everything goes up. Maybe it's more about joke from 2016

  7. For those supporting his violence you are weak. It was a low class roast sure but its not some random dude sitting at a bar talking shit or a person hurling insults with the direct malice. Will literally could have told him to quit, instead he ran up there and sucker slapped him. Complete jerk off

  8. I personally don't think that there was an ongoing fight that led up to this. Chris was just doing what he was paid to do and his jokes never hit below the belt.

    Will also found it funny but was trying to impress his wife at the expense of someone who could possibly help him or his kids in the future.

    It's this sort of sh*t that started wars in the days of our great great grand parents so we should have evolved from it.

    I'm glad that Chris was mature enough to handle it like a man and a professional.

    I officially boycott anything Will related.

  9. Will Smith is an absolute icon, one incident doesn't change that, as for Chris Rock..how is it ok to mock a women with an auto immune disease?, in today's snowflake led society I'm surprised he's got away with it.

  10. Where is the part that Chris Rages at Will Smith after he slapped him during the Oscars? I didn't see any clip of Chris raging. Is this what they call click bait? Your headline does not match the content. It should have read Actor's comment at Will Smith's slapping Chris Rock at the Academy.


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