Your Thoughts Determine Your Ways – Prophet Kobus

Prophet Kobus Snr was passionate about reading and preaching the Word of God, and his gift of teaching brought forth 1000’s of …


  1. We were seeking the truth in church life only to find that we were in bondage to religion. Then we were introduced to these teachings n life changed for us. Freedom is in our lives n no more bondage. When we read scripture its like wow i never saw that or this. Amazing teachings

  2. My Prophet, you really pushed the Word of life in me.
    You taught me the grace massage.
    You were so full of the Word and you poured it in me.
    You often Said, " It does not hurt to act like SOMEONE, that's the reason i imitate you in meditating in the Word.
    We miss you our Prophet, sometime i feel i see you watching over us from heaven.
    I love your family for the way they stand on the word and even push it out beyond to save souls. AMEN

  3. Elke verborgen vleselijke gedachten die werkzaam is in mijn leven wordt ontmaskerd en gearresteerde en gebroken en vernietigen en verbrand doorhet bloed van Jezus Christus en door het Vuur van GOD Geest de Heilige Geest in Jezus Christus Naam.

  4. Thank you for such great teachings, I am growing spritually with these teachings. I look forward to hearing from the man of God. I thank my Abba Father for bring ne to these teachings. Bless the family of Prophet Kobus, Prophet Kibus is still with us through his teachings. I am from Trinidad and Tobago.


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