You Won’t Believe The Truth About What Will Happen On This Date! On April 8, 2024, we are about to witness a solar eclipse, but …


  1. TO the person w hi o said that we are living in the Tribulation now ??? .NO you are having the wrong THOUGHTS , Seek the LORD and call up on HIM while he may be found Repent of your wrong doings . These things that are happening now are only Birth pains . But HE is even at the door 🙏🙏🙏,⭐🌎🌛 Thanks to the one who bring to us these reminders May the only one that give Blessings cover you and you 💗 and your family with it like dust AMEN.

  2. These are just the Labour pains. It is when we won't be able to tell Autumn from Spring. Here in SA there are leaves all over the show. : sign of Autumn is here! In the meantime we must beware of all the false prophets that will seem to rise up from nowhere! Then a leader will come and have a statue erected of himself and all people who do not bow before it, will be killed – just like in the days of Nebukadnezer.

  3. You do realize that eclipses happen several times a year somewhere in the world…other parts of the world are special as well… And before you jump to the Ninevah connection.. total of 2 will be in the path of eclipse.. and since in the US the path is 4000 miles long and about 115 Miles wide ..that means the 2 of them are in a 460,000 square mile area.. sorry not impressed..

  4. If all this is true then God and Jesus are murderers you don't have to be religious to be a good decent person and death natural necessary part of life there's no such thing as sin and being yourself is the best thing you can do to yourself

  5. So Jesus and God are going to kill billions of innocent people just for their own sick benefit that's sad there's nothing rightchest about any of this non of this is right at this point God is no definite then the devil there the same

  6. We could change the Tribulations of this World, God loves All His Children, All Over the 🌎 world !! No matter what color your skin is, or What Religion you are!! Yes:: We are All God's Children 🙏 ❤

  7. The Abomination of Desolation can only happen in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. It's happened twice before and each time pigs were slaughtered on It's alter. Watch for the third temple and alter to be built again and desecrated too. Hang on tight to the Lord!

  8. This eclipse is a sign from God. When the moon comes over the Sun back in the days it was a they took it as a sign that God was very angry with the Earth, but most of all the people of the world and guess what back in the Old Testament? God did the same thing. This New Testament of this new generation. God is going to cover the moon over the Sun. Because God is very angry with the people, the people, the people of the world because of their sins that they do. They don't repent. They forget about God, but now God is going to show them who God is what God is and what he is made of and what he will do to his Earth, his planet, his nation, his universe. The world, but most of all the people, the people, the people of the world. Thank you sweet, Jesus. It will soon be Hallelujah.😊


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