Adeboye Prayed for his young followers, by the opportunity his father gave Him, In this Video also, many other Interesting Clips, …


  1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Ibiyiomie is scared that his underlyings will make more money than him. These fake pastors have realized that their jig is up. Their junior pastors now want a piece of the pie.

  2. 2 Corinthians 2:17
    New International Version
    17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.

    Study the Bible❗️ people,you will quickly recognize wolves in sheep's clothing Matthew7:15-…

  3. The countries that have no churches they have developed technology they have good roads good hospitals good apartments good schools good transport companies job opportunities but the countries with full of churches they are full of troubles no roads no hospitals no schools no houses only slums no companies no schools what they have is shrine they call churches where they use it to cash out money from their gullibles member and use that money to go to those developed countries that there are no churches then come back collect more money and more tell them to fill their cloud with money so that rain showers of blessing can fall its a lie whey these pastors are sick they go to those developed countries for their medications together with their families at the expense of their gullibles members its a wake up call God is waking us up africans through toni ogribi and know God for ourselves that is what will save us from these pharaohs who calls themselves men of God they are not they are oprressors.

  4. Adejare Adeboye has been exposed as one of the DEEP CORRUPTION AND HERETIC CHURCH LEADERS in Nigeria !
    Thanks for exposing them ! They have ridiculed Christianity and mock the religion !
    Baba Adeboye does not criticise and admonish bad utterances, bad doctrines and scandals in the Christian body/CAN /PFN in Nigeria !


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