1. My Husband and Son ,needs a Miracle! They are both having serious health problems! I know GOD is Able to make them WHOLE! HEAL ALL THEIR DISEASE! A GOOD FATHER! PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM ! I WATCH 700 CLUB DAILY! YOUR MY point of contact !

  2. Jacob and Hannah were our pastors at the time that this happened. I will never forget the tremendous effect this had on my faith and on our church. We came together in a spirit of unity that I have never seen flow so freely and purely, as we United to stand in agreement with Jacob and Hannah, and pray the Word over Uriah as Jacob taught us. We witnessed a true miracle unfolding and it changed an entire congregation! God is awesome!!!

  3. My son had a very similar diagnosis and a very similar testimony! My son is doing really well and if you meet him, you wouldn’t think his diagnosis was cerebral palsy. We also had churches from around the states to Latin America praying. The only thing is that he has now is a leg that is slightly longer than the other but even Jacob was left with a limp for a blessing. He is our blessing and a great testimony of Gods work!

  4. I'm new at the 700 club also new electronics really started YouTube there and early mid 2019 can't get around it fair now I don't threaten my phone with the wall too often it's a $40 Walmart phone so so what I think this is the third or fourth one stop the television set use YouTube and couple times a day the local news off the radio early 2019 got a break from truck driving they took part of my bowel a big gallbladder and part of my liver out of my chest cavity things were a bit easier after that they also did a couple of bypasses while I was inside there I'll be 70 in just a year or so and now to the real at the age of 13 The divorce Court insisted I have a plan for my future my answer was there seems to be something wrong here in this world and as me and I think we should figure that out and try doing something with that and then decide what to do they kind of whooped it up for a day or two and then they said that won't do it was something else in that and I've been walking that or something wrong walk ever since I spend my time by myself one reason why I wanted to drive in the truck if you want to see God and the angels truck driving will do it over the road truck will drive over 1300 years no break how much driving is done before it's involved in a fatality that does say God in the angels are the ones doing the driving it is God that the one that has to get the freight delivery to the point it was something wrong in this world reading the Bible seems to be a considerable challenge me at this point read the part where he made us in his image and calls us his children didn't know your daddy but I do know he beat himself when he beat you to make you better yes I think that's what God meant there I'm your father I love you and you're going to be better than I am can't really imagine what that is he's very clear in that Bible he's going to be God always but when you add in the park there where the Christ said you marvel at these miracles do you not know you're going to do greater than these shucks in there and also says we're going to judge angels don't look forward to that but I know God will be my counsel our counsel so it turned out okay my big inquiry here why don't the churches teach that I've been to church or two out there take that to them and they kind of indicate the doors and still available it wasn't on this text reading the Bible but another text there in the Bible that I ask a pastor about and give me a very foolish answer few days later asking about that he said I want to keep my job back and explain the way that the works with the church what is written in the Bible is true you may have remembered recently a teaching change where one is taking and one is Left behind I remember send too many a sermon where you want to be the one taken but a reading of that says the ones taken or taken to the supper of God no Christian's going to be there and that teaching is now you want to be left behind I watch that teach and go from the church as in all around the world took a couple years or so curious but that's what's written in the Bible and we do have an enemy and we also have the part where things have to go in God's time that part early on in this where I talked about part of my inner being in the chest cavity where they or not normal to be there that been going on for a while it didn't just happen they were quite concerned I wasn't they tried to get me concerned by man of the several great opportunities to die never really saw it as that but I can see how man understands it that way sorry about no punctuation hearing impaired early on in school it was some of the schools out in the country not the first choice of teachers may the good Lord take a liking to you


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