May The Fourth Man In The Fire (JESUS CHRIST) show up for you in every challenge and unspoken need. Daniel 3:24-26 …


  1. I'm 72. first listened to christian music at the age of 17, as a university undergraduate who one day wandered into the music room of the university library. A kind librarian walked me through the configuration. There was a run of turntables to play 33 LP albums, with large leather-covered headphones that made listeners resemble World War II dive bombers. The audio fidelity was divine. The librarian introduced me to scores of composers, including Bach, Beethoven, Handel, Mozart, Chopin, and Debussy. And to virtuoso performers, who are no longer with us, but whose music continues on in their illustrious legacies of astounding talent embraced by captivating interpretation. This gift, which introduced me to christian music at age 17, has remained with me throughout the years, and I am profoundly grateful. If I were to perish tonight, I am confident that it would be a very successful death. I have much to leave behind for my children and relatives. A piece of advice I offer is to never pass up an opportunity presented to you by those who came before you. I wasn't successful until I was 71, and just one piece of advice changed my life. A woman and a mother named TERESA JANNETTE BROCK googled her and emailed her, investing 0ne thousand dollars and it was well worth the effort. You can find her on the internet and she is well-known. Four weeks later, I continued to receive income and began using the funds for God's purpose. I am very well-known in Maryland. God's task always brings me pleasure. Peace and happiness exist in my consciousness. I am here to encourage you to never give up, regardless of how dire the situation may appear. God has promised his offspring, and he will certainly fulfil his promises.

  2. You're Yahweh my God I may be going through tough times now i may not see things working out for me right now but i believe & i have in you and i Know right now you're working through my case i may not see it now but i believe you're working out for me Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  3. I have a dream of migrating to the UK and this song is giving me every hope that these will happen soon. I promise to leave these here to remind me to come back here and declare that You are Yahweh Alpha n Omega..

  4. I believe God shall open a door for my family and other families that have been depending on me.

    I lost my job early this year.
    Its turned out to be soo tough and tragic on us but I believe the God almighty Will come save us from this hunger misery & shame.
    For I serve a living God.


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