Now is a critical time to silence the world’s noise so you can hear the call of the Holy Spirit. Listen as God awakens you to your …


  1. Jeremiah the weeping prophet once said, they have eyes but cannot see and they have ears but cannot hear 😢(Jeremiah 5:21) (Luke 19:41).

    The U.S. government has collected $4.39 trillion in the fiscal year 2024. Over half of that amount received was from individual income taxes. Roughly $2.80 trillion in income tax revenue had been collected from millions of small businesses across country. Those collected funds are extremely crucial for sustaining a viable and strong U.S. economy. A loss or decline of those much needed tax funds would have a devastating impact on the social services system. It would negatively affect the police departments, fire departments, the public schools, the governmental disaster relief agencies and any public hospital that happens to be funded by government tax dollars. In order to protect those public goods and services, America would have to make sure that every effort is being made to revitalize the millions of small businesses that are struggling to survive the growing trend of nationwide store closures, because when the small businesses begin to collapse, the national economy will soon follow. It is a well known fact that just about every small business that is located in every metropolitan CITY in the country is currently struggling to remain open, due to the increase crime rate that is being driven by the out of control fentanyl crisis. If you combine those two factors together you will understand why many employers are concerned about allowing their employees to return to the workplace, for fear of their safety. The work from home options has forced millions of walk-in businesses in the inner CITY to close permanently.

    What is the meaning for the recent fall of several well known mega-church pastors? and the meaning for the sudden increase in record breaking natural disasters that are occurring across the country? and the reason for the constant increase in brazen and violence crimes across the country? and why has there been a perpetual decline in the nation’s small businesses? I would tend to believe that God has judged and is judging America for its REFUSAL to acknowledge, honor and respect His Holy word.

    📖 Amos 3:6 📖
    When a TRUMPET sounds in a CITY, do not the people tremble? When DISASTER comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it?
    It is an unwise decision for a Christian to refuse to respect the LORD’S SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY, because He has enumerable ways in which He is capable of bringing us to our knees.

    The most terrifying judgement that the Lord would allow for an obstinate and rebellious people to undergo, would be for them to be permanently cut off from the MOUTHS of His prophets who speak on His behalf to not WARN them of any impending dangers that they may NOT be privy to…he WILL NOT sound the trumpet of warning!…but rather allow them to rely upon their OWN decisions.

    📖 Ezekiel 3:26,27 📖
    I (Christ) will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you (will) be SILENT and unable to REBUKE them, for they are a rebellious people. 27) But when I (Christ) speak to you, I (will) OPEN your MOUTH and you shall say to them, ‘This is what the SOVEREIGN LORD says.’ Whoever will listen let them listen, and whoever will refuse let them refuse; for they are a REBELLIOUS people.

    ……and I would like to offer you a friendly reminder that Christians are constantly engaged in a SPIRITUAL battle against spiritual wickedness, and NOT one that involves war against humanity. (Ephesians 6:12). Christians are NOT jealous, envious or HATEFUL towards any human being. They have been instructed by Christ to LOVE EVERYONE, especially their hateful enemies, because it is the hateful spirit within their enemies that Christians are vehemently opposed to and not the person (Luke 6:27). In reality it is their hateful enemies who Christians are constantly fighting for, with the sincere expectations of winning them over to the gospel TRUTH (Matthew 5:44). It is true that being a Christian represents the ongoing fight against habitual sin, as well as fighting to make people aware of the gospel truth by teaching, REBUKING and CORRECTING in all righteousness, according to the ENTIRE portion of the New Testament Bible. (2 Timothy 3:16).

    Sent with much LOVE, take care and Good bless you all ❤️🙏🏾📖❤️🙏🏾📖

  2. The world 🌎 ain’t seen, pardon me “has not” seen the army of Gods hosts coming! To save His people .We need that Rock called Jesus Amen 🙏🏾 We must stand on that solid foundation within ourselves We must be like Paul, fine with both having all and having nothing This about Gods Kingdom 🗡🔥

  3. The LORD is always speaking to me through Pastor Toure & Potter's House at ONE. I pray the LORD will continue to edge you, your family and everything pertaining to you round and about. Continue serving and obeying God, I appreciate you. Love coming from Jamaica 🇯🇲


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