1. I wonder if the Holy Spirit ever talked to me about everything that I need to know or knowing if I'm going in the raptured? I know I am saved but being spiritually distant from God and Jesus because of trauma and other things too. Have a nice afternoon everyone


    Everything is CONVERGING in September, lockdowns, forced medications, an economic collapse, everything bad starts this September and everyone is echoing the same thing! The economic news is now being called apocalyptic, a crash coming of Biblical propotions! All the economists, investors, insiders and billionaires are saying that an economic armageddon is imminent! EU Chief Boasts About Vaccine Passports, Calls For More Global Digital Collaboration – Paving The Way For Digital IDs. ‘Alien corpses’ shown to Congress as UFO expert forced to testify under oath. Saudi Arabia Tells Israel That The ‘Price Of Peace’ Via The Abraham Accords Will Be The Creation Of The State Of Palestine Taken From Jewish Land, Saudis want steps toward two-state solution as part of normalization, Blinken says IDF chief: Israel must be ‘more prepared than ever’ for a multi-arena conflict! The UN is currently talking about a seven-year plan, starting in September of 2023, which will accelerate their plans for one-world governance by 2030. Do you see how this could easily become a seven-year covenant?(Daniel 9:27)

    Luke 21:28
    28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

    Pastor JD Farag…
    "God in His Word has told us what’s going to happen, before it happens, so when it begins to happen, non-believers will believe and believers will look up knowing our redemption draws near!"
    JOHN 13:19 | JOHN 14:29 | LUKE 21:28

    As this dispensation of the church age (The Age Of Grace) draws to an end, it’s time for us to take our stand as  Children of the Light(1 Thessalonians) and tell a lost and dying world that it’s time to repent, believe the Gospel, and be converted to a new life in Jesus Christ today! Explain to them with simplicity (Not Religion) the gospel of our salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10)!

    We are on the cusp on the rapture!!

    God bless
    Watchman in the wilderness
    Mywebsite: https://www.rapturecountdown.com/

  3. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 👂📯👂👂🗣️👂✝️❣️ 1
    I'm ready to go home I hope you are too.
    Jesus Christ God's only begotten Son paid for your Sin debt due upon death.
    No one gets away from it.
    You either believe or you don't.
    I'm greatful that I am not going to be left behind.

  4. I saw the destruction of America also, I saw fires everywhere, then I saw Obama in the whitehouse the Lord showed me he was the beginning of the end of America. Two years after Obama was in the Whitehouse, this I saw on TV the Whitehouse was lit up with rainbow colors, it was storming and God said to me, America will be destroyed, i cried because I love America and I asked God, can you delay it Lord until my family can be saved, he said to me I will not delay it, it will come at the appointed time, this was so very sad for me, so the Lord showed me the pain he was feeling and I cried even harder, I was crying so hard I ask him to take away the pain I was feeling at the hurt the Lord felt, he told me, you just experienced a little of the pain I feel at their rejection of me, the rainbow lit Whitehouse was still in front of me as I cried and he lifted the pain from me. That night Washington DC had so many lightning strikes at and around the Whitehouse, it was as if it was punctuating what God showed me, lightning and there were storms all over that America that night. Then a couple of years ago I had a vision of an American map, the states were in different colors, California was in gray with the word earthquake over the ridgemont area of California, he showed me underwater volcanoes going off to the side of California,, the word earthquake began to shake violently back and forth. It was as if I was watching a video with the Lord narrating it. A red line formed from California to the Indiana border I saw it then split towards Canada and towards Tennessee out to the borders of the oceans it was split into three separate pieces, I also saw fires over the land separate pieces, that could not be put out by the waters that flowed between the pieces. I asked the Lord when I woke up what it meant. But at the time I didn't get an answer. Then I had a dream that America betrayed Israel, then Trump and Bibi came on television explaining the new deal with provisions of Palestinians getting their own state, and in this deal they got old Jerusalem and the west bank. It was then as they were speaking the Lord told me that for their part in betraying Israel 2 parts for Palestinians and one part for Israel, America would be split into three pieces. I believe the bombs will come first and the earthquake and volcano erupting would bring it about, he also said, that the entire earth would feel this earthquake.the earth would dance about. Like a drunken man.

  5. I had a dream the night of November 25, 2021

    In my dream I was walking on a back street in Shoreline Washington north of Seattle. I saw a rocket/missile go up and make a circle in the sky like a roller coaster and come down. Huge explosion.

    Then I heard a whhiiish sound and another missile went up and circled, then came down. Explosion.

    There was a huge black plastic/ or metal X thrown down from the missile. The plastic unfolded out creating the X while in the sky. The X landed next to me on the street. I ran because I knew the missile was going to hit the X. The missile hit the X. Explosion.

    Another missile went up, whhiiish and made a circle in the sky, again the X was thrown down. I kept running and the missiles hit the X close to me each time. I saw maybe 4 missiles then I woke up.
    (I looked up missiles that move in odd ways because I didn't understand after the dream what the circle meant. I think maybe a hypersonic missile?)

  6. Amen! Feast of Yom Teruah is the feast of shouting which would be the start of John the Baptist ministry.
    The Day of Atonement would be the baptism of Jesus Christ.
    The Feast of Tabernacles would be the birth of Christ on the first day to his circumcised on the last great day(8th day). Birth of the child which means The first day could be the day of the first rapture of kings and priests to help Jesus seal the 144k. And they will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. The people that are left behind will see us being changed and will become believers. A blessed lady by the name of Brenda Weltner can explain this so easily.
    I had a Chinese Russian invasion dream a few years ago.

    Invasion Dream
    I had a dream in Spring of 2021 of Russia and Chinese troops invading the USA. In my dream, myself, my wife and her parents were eating lunch in a downtown setting of a large city because I remember there were high rise buildings. Not sure what city though. It was a beautiful fall day. Clear blue skies and there was a crisp in the air. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, hundreds of parachutes started opening pretty close to the ground right above us. People started running everywhere in shock. As I zoomed in, I saw that these troops had blue and black tight military uniforms on with helmets the and in one of their hands they were holding a/k’s and then they started shooting everyone. Me and my wife and Inlaws jumped in our suv and took off. Our suv was shot and we were shot, but none of my family members were hurt or bleeding. We drove out in the country to get away. There were military vehicles everywhere even out by the farms and country roads. We would drive right in front of them, but they never saw us. The dream ended.
    Brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please keep looking up, our redemption drawls night: don mot fear man and their solutions. But fear the great God of Abraham Issac and Jacob who has the authority to give life eternally or allow it to be lost in hell forever. God wishes for no one to perish. Peace and blessing my dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
    — Channion Burnett


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