Youth to Youth teens discuss everyday struggles that revolve around their stress, anxiety and mental health.


  1. Broken people.. Not even adults. Its sad to see. With the increasing amount of youth in need of psychiatric help the world is heading in the wrong direction. I think social media is devastating. It could be good, but it's not used in that way most of the time. People explore others to reflect their on own life. We don't explore ourselves as much anymore. That is a self damaging action but we do have a choice.. I think some people don't believe that. The fact is though, you have to build yourself up and surround yourself with decent people. In real life as well as through Internet. But the latter is hard since almost everything is based on ads, money and views. Still people desperately choose that way of empowering themselves. It's like they don't now of any other way.

  2. As a grandmother of (3) grandchildren 1-18 yr old granddaughter & 12 yr old twin boys) I’ve noticed such a distance from the kids & we love them so much & I wanted to understand if there were any signs we are missing. I told my husband their grandpa I think our babies are depressed. It’s my job to help their parents find the help they need even though they act as if they are ok. Thank you for such great content.❤️

  3. Man always wants to be healthy and young. Can this problem be solved? It turns out that with the help of information space diagnostics ICD (this is the name of the site), the problem is solved by developing a technology for obtaining the unique properties of water. Photos of four bottles of drinking water are sent from anywhere in the world, the water is charged with information activation for four different parameters of the state of the water, then such water is mixed and it is ready for use. Water is stored for over a year. When a person consumes 100 grams of water in the morning, all viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae are suppressed, blood vessels are cleansed, tumors disappear, diseases are cured, the body is rejuvenated. When taken per day 100 grams of water for 100 days, the body is rejuvenated by 666 days. Cancer, coronavirus, infectious diseases, heart, blood vessels, all organs and physiological systems are being treated …


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