WOFBEC is a faith Conference born in worship and intercession designed to address eternal issues and also things that are …


  1. Thank you Pastor Poju for this convention sir. It has really deepened my conviction about the word of faith movement that I had encounter through Kenneth E.Hagin books. The convention answered some of my questions and I was really blessed. Thank you sir.

  2. Media team please a humble request. Could you kindly cut out Pastor Poju's messages from Wofbec2024 and post them separately one after the other as a series of videos? Many of us want to watch the messages again and share with people but it is difficult to share the messages specifically with people as it is. Please. Also please think about doing the same for the other minsiters so that people can find the specific messages they want to revisit. PLEASE. Pastor Poju's own first please.


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