Wish Man (2019) | Full Movie

Licensed from Vision Films. Based on the true story of Frank Shankwitz, founder of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. A motorcycle …


  1. This movie is just as great as the first time i saw it and touched my heart .his mother was a real piece of work. The most selfish brazen horrific and cruel person that could be called a mother. Its amazing how well Frank turned out. She actually did him a favor by leaving.

  2. My friend Sammy, who was 5yrs old, was sent to Disneyland by a foundation like this. He got to have a few days with no needles, no hospital walls. He was smiling and so blessedly happy for those few days. After his death, his parents were able to look at the photos of that trip. To have something to remember of his last year besides his deadly illness.
    Please know that this charity makes a difference in children's lives and to those that love them.
    I loved Sammy and seeing the pictures of his dream trip lifted some of the deep sorrow of his passing. As those photos and memories still help his parents today.


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