A lot of what people are told about the Azusa Street revival and the origins of the Pentecostal movement is misinformation. Yes …


  1. Thank you this is great to know as an AOG member. I have learned so much from your videos about the WoF movement and your rebuttals. I even bought the Faith Study Coarse by Kenneth Hagin which has taught me so much in the few lessons I've read through. Could you make a list of good books to read about theology from the Pentecostal/Charasmatic/WoF perspective. I would love to read more and YouTube algorithms love top 10 videos anyway.

  2. As a black Bahamian, William J. Seymour is one of the reasons I am Pentecostal. His role in the greatest revival since the First Great Awakening is living proof that authentic Christianity isn't the white man's religion, as the Nation of Islam and Black Hebrew Israelites have erroneously alleged. God loves all people, including black people. The integrated services of A.A. Allen during the Jim Crow era is another example of Pentecostalism being used by God to tear down racial barriers. That's why I feel more at home in a Church of God Cleveland or a Church of God of Prophecy than in a Southern Baptist church, particularly in the South.

  3. Love racial unity. I noticed in my life that it wasn't until I was filled with the Holy Spirit I began to see every person not as what race they were but I began to see them as individuals "Souls/Spirits" and completely lost sight of race altogether along those lines.

    I thank God for that.

  4. John mac is a false teacher that true disciples of Jesus will stay away from.
    He teaches contrary to the scripture.
    Now we all can disagree on what the mark of the beast maybe however the scripture is clear anyone that takes the mark the bible says those that take the mark the smoke of their torment goes up forever bible is very clear on this we can debate many things on end time views but bible is clear.
    John mac has a form of godliness but denys the power he and his companions twist all the scripture in acts chapter 2 stating it was one time thing just for the apostles but they twist to their own destruction cause acts 10 same thing happened and acts 18 and 19 just to name 2 more but no that was not a ine time thing that was the promise of the Father.
    Peter said this is for you your children and to as many who are afar off as many as the Lord our God shall call.

  5. You know I've been thinking about Justin Peters for about 2 or 3 days now and I know we can't do anything that somebody doesn't want to do but I'm starting to think that maybe his handicap is what keeps him so negative about spiritual gifts or something I don't know but there's something he can see it happening right in front of his face and yet he's still will deny the power the Holy Spirit and think he's not wondering if we can get in a group and I'll pray for him to be healed I wonderful that would be for him and for many people that have been deceived by his odd grieving of the Holy Spirit

  6. It's funny how people especially from the north talk about the south just automatically not knowing much about anything those professing to be wise but they are fools You know in Louisiana even prior to the civil war there were free people of color many They were allowed to get married They were they own plantations They even held political office and as you are speaking now they were pastors Actually our first national guard here in Louisiana was all free people of color and they fought for the South. .But these northern folks and people from the west and out east all just assume that people of color during that time were slaves they're so silly

  7. I am curious how The Apostolic Faith was omitted? I enjoyed the video very much. I think Bro Seymour had it right he caught a glimpse of all people in The Spirit. When you get full of JESUS and THE HOLY GHOST difference should not matter. The modern Church lost the or perhaps never captured what it was like to be on one heart one mind…Elder Seymour caught it. The ugly spirit of Racism raised its ugly head…if the Church would have dealt with it then America would be a different place. Look at us now. To the world we appear to be a bunch of hypocrites. Same on us for letting our skin tone get in the way. Jew, Greek, black, brown, red, white or yellow…we are spirit first.

  8. It has been very interesting reading the newspapers around the time of Parham and Seymour. It is good for people to examine themselves. There are wonderful search engines nowadays to do this. Quite fascinating.

    I was surprised at how much information there is on how Parham was a Ku Klux Clan sympathizer. But people need to do their own research. I have been quite disturbed by what I found – not for the faint-hearted.


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