William J Seymour  The Secrets of His Power

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  1. Many blessings! Where there is the power of our Heavenly Father Satan, will come in the heart of the most vunarable one's.

    This is why we can not critize a brother or sister. This is when the Spirits or demons take the advance to move and divide then later to destroy.

    Our wrong words is the door for Satan and the demons to take an advance move, but where there is Unity and Holiness, these things can not happen.

    Satan takes an advance to get in the minds of one or two leaders and even the members, but if the leaders continue to be in Unity and in Prayer, God will answer the prayers.

    There must be muturity in our lives through the Holy Spirit, we must know that we are here for a little while. We are not of this world.

    The enemy on the other hand does not want us to Live in a beautiful world that Jesus offered us, NO! he the serpent dies not want us to have of that inheritance. The serpent never wanted us to be of existence.

    There must be Unity, not division in the church, for this is where the enemy (Devil) will have the advance.

    It has happen in many places. Satan is like a roaring lion to destroy, the work of our Heavenly Father. The serpent like to mimic, but only to do evil and to lie. To distroy the Heavenly Father's Work, because he wants to take many people to the burning pit.

    It is a terrible place!
    My Father in Heaven showed me how this place is.

    When I was 11 years old I received the Lord.
    I saw a young lady receive the Holy Spirit. I was surprised that I spoke in a loud voice what is that and every one looked at me and another young girl said It is the Holy Spirit.

    I said, I want that! I want that! My mother continued to take me to church and we acepted the Lord as our Savior and also my little sister.

    When I was 12 years old, I received the baptismal clases and I was baptized in the Waters. At 13 years of age I was baptized with the Holy Spirit after a few months.
    It was a beautiful moment in my life,
    One day I had a dream,
    I was going to die at age twelve.

    In the dream I saw a spirit tell me I was going to die and I heard the Angel as I saw part of him, say No! she will not die.

    One Summer night I was in an accident on my 12th Birthday, coming out of a night Sunday service, filled with the Holy Spirit.

    I remember that I slipped out of my mother's hands as we were crossing the street to get in my dad's car. It was as if something pushed me and I landed under a car.
    The car hit my thigh, and I landed under the car, my face slammed the tambering, I hit my nose hard with the metal part. My nose had a little bump after that. Making this short,
    Satan tried to kill me many a times, but it was not our heavenly Father's will, for our Heavenly Father has the Last Word.

    My Heavenly Father sent his only Son, to die for us. Jesus resurrected on the third day. Before he ascended to Heaven, Jesus said in; John 14:26 but the Advocate the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything.

    The Holy Spirit Also fills us with Power of our Heavenly Father.

    Many people become scared or others will spook them, Pushing them away from the narrow path of the Lord, our Jesus.

    We need to preach to the people the truth.

    Many churches are not preaching the truth.

    We need to open our eyes! Amen! Amen!Amen!

  2. Charles Parham's problem unfortunately was a bigot himself, he struggled with that, there were some things Parham said that was very controversial concerning Black people…It wasn't just because of some segregation laws.
    Not saying God didn't use Parham but His issue would of held up God's purpose in my opinion…William J. Seymour was chosen

  3. Brother with all due respect William Durham was a racist & was jealous of Seymour & You keep saying you don't believe William Durham acted in any racist way….Yes he did brother, and still today this sad situation still exist…It surely didn't start with Black people from Azuza street.

  4. Awesome wish I had a chance 2 meet him and the other believers of that time I feel so sad that the church broke up like that that was nothing but the devil a lot of the people forgot About the Great and mighty things that God did that gave birth 2 this ministry n the 1st place ,the fire And the power of the Holy spirit that was being released n manifested in that atmosphere n n 2 the people's lives the great outpouring of the Holy spirit with signs wonders gifts n fruits of the spirit n most importantly a lot of them got 2 caught up n their personal feelings n the influence of other preacher's caused them 2 loose sight of keeping their eyes on the prize which is Jesus the devil n his demons we upset n looking for the perfect opportunity to counter attack n take vengeance on the ppl of God n 2 a great degree they were successful unfortunately ,side note: William Seymour he must have been doing something right the people were being healed set free delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit Let us as the future believers learn from this lesson not to fall into the same traps that a lot of people fell into

  5. My prayer is right now to bring up someone that will not turn to the left or right but to stand for the principles of Yeshua! No one preaches the Holy Spirit anymore, praising G- d for more than a mere hour! Not even wanting to give our best and wear our best if we have it!!! America Better Wake Up Real Quick!!!

  6. Wait on God. Stop working and start to walk with Him. As I see it has taken often many years for someone to come to the place where God can use that person. Running, activity, follow programmes, is easier than wait on God for many years. It needs more faith. The bible has many examples. "Man have dreams. They want to see them fulfilled. Can I find someone who stands long enough before me, because I have dreams to see them fulfilled as well."

  7. If he was a white guy many will be talking about what God achieved through Jin but just because of his color and people are missing the work of the Lord. Glory to the Lord Jesus, He uses any one He wants to accomplish His word.

  8. Good is speaking to me again about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. It was for Cornelius and his household 10 years after Pentecost Acts 10 and God summoned Peter the Apostle to witness Jesus Baptize Cornelius and his household which God taught Peter that salvation was not the Gentile too and Baptized them in Water in Jesus Name. Then 20 years after Pentecost Paul the Apostle 12 disciples in water and then Jesus Baptized the 12 in the Holy Spirit. Conclude Baptism in Holy Spirit is for 2022 with the evidence of speaking in tongues because that is what happened to Cornelius and the 12 disciples.

  9. Glory to God Alléluia !!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏 William Joseph est parti by The lord jésus-christ is live Alléluia !!!!💪🔥✌️👍🙏Amen amen amen Que le Seigneur Jésus-Christ soit à jamais loué pour sa grâce et sa fidélité et surtout pour son élection envers un homme que monde avait disqualifié avant parce qu'il ne répondait à certains critères mais béni soit le Dieu très haut qui s'est imposé à toutes oppositions en qualifiant son serviteur William Joseph Seymour qui Aujourd'hui est pour moi particulièrement un exemple en suivant son parcours, amour, obéissance, et sa consécration au Seigneur Jésus-Christ afin de gagner Les âmes perdues pour le Seigneur Jésus-Christ notre Dieu. Alléluia que le du Seigneur Jésus-Christ soit encore loué au dessus de toute puissance, domination, autorité, décision, sagesse, gloire et tout pouvoir. Jésus-Christ est Seigneur alléluia. Encore gloire au SEIGNEUR JÉSUS-CHRIST le Dieu qui ne change pas et qui va encore le refaire Aujourd'hui au-delà même de ce que son serviteur William Joseph Seymour avait expérimenté car Jésus-Christ ne change pas et changera pas non plus William Joseph Seymour est parti by Jésus-Christ is live . Glory to God

  10. How does a perpetrator tell a victim how they must deal with their traumatic experience? Your views are bias in this documentary, sugar coating racial segregation as law.

    Our God is a God of justice, we cannot tiptoe around racism that the old revivalist subscribed too. One of the greatest marks of repentance is Restitution.

  11. We will not see another move of God like Azusa until the church learns to shun the flesh and get back to fasting and prayer….now for the most part all you have are these big mega churches and big fancy buildings with pastors flying around in private jets…. that's not going to get it….


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