Who was William Seymour, and what was his effect upon the saints at Azusa street? Tune in and find out his personal history, …


  1. Everyone assumes that Los Angeles is such a liberal city, and in many ways it is. But all it’s history, culture, and identity is here because of the spread of the Christian gospel. Beginning with the California Missions and years later with Billy Graham and all the Bible colleges that started here in my hometown. Los Angeles is in fact a Christian City.

  2. what a awful thing for a church to throw God out 1905 Frank Bartleman a modern day John the Baptist he preached many times at the Azusa street mission and William J Seymour was locked out preaching on the Holy Ghost

  3. Praise be, to the One True God for using Brother Seymour in thee awakening. Apostalic Penticostal Oneness Revival.
    One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
    Aug 2018, by the grace of Almighty God, my eleven year old granddaughter was Born Again! Holy Ghost filled with evidence of speaking in tongues! She then obeyed the command found in Acts and was Baptized and sealed in the name of Jesus!
    Joy Beyond Measure!
    Jesus, you are truly Wonderful!
    Jesus, Majesty, you stand alone!

    “This is the best day of my life!” she proclaimed repeatedly.
    Emma Rose, belongs to HIM!🙌

  4. My name is Joseph.
    please pray for me and my children for deliverance from demons and evil spirits.
    please pray that no witch or wizard
    shall have power over me and my children.

  5. The Pentecostal movement in America was evident much earlier than the early 1900's….this video is not taking into account much of the Pentecostal American history from 1600 to 1900.

  6. Praise the LORD, I took a whole class on the Azusa Street Revival!!! This humble unassuming man was no doubt used by Almighty God and I believe he was chosen to be the vessel God used to usher in the Pentecostal Apostolic movement!!! I praise and thank God for him. But, above all I Thank and Praise God for Jesus!!! And the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit)!!! and Salvation!!! Hallelujah!!!


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