William Branham's Secret Recording Leaked to the Public By Mistake

A secret recording of William Branham was accidentally leaked to the public. Though Branham instructed the recipient to destroy …


  1. I'm so gad Lee Vayle did not destroy this, as instructed! Way too many historical documents have been destroyed! Wouldn't it be great if more of these messages turn up? It's so very calculating! It pretty much destroys the theory that he was totally delusional. He might have been partially delusional.

    It so strange that no one said to WMB, but Abraham is the English translation, how many letters does the Hebrew word have? I certainly never thought of that when I was in the cult. Thanks for pointing out something so obvious that no one, as far as I know, in the cult has ever talked about. If they did, I never heard anything about it, not that I knew what was going on in the cult, much at all.

  2. How can we all this information more bigger, cause there is such a great following over the world, and families is still divided because of this cult.. getting this research out there on a bigger scale, might help members of the cult rethink and come to the simplicity of life and the Gospel that will eventually bring reconciliation to God and each other.. it's just so sad to see many under this spell of someone who had these hidden agendas

  3. It's funny because He presented Christ to us as God Himself. How does the rest matter ? With no defense, the rest of all those heresies or whatever were purposely done by Almighty God so that people who are not God's , their attention will be drawn by such, while the elect will be looking beyond the prophet, back to book of Acts, taking Hs Message, testing it by the Word and decide, as Bro Branham also encourages that if he says sth that is not n the Word we must then take what the word says. Pride and things like that could develop, hence Paul confessed he could speak tongues better than all. Elijah if not Elisha said if God lives then led His fire consume you because he had knew he was a prophet. Challenges the face. But no single Church-goer survives because their focus is the Prophet, but those who recognize the full Word in the ministry of God's prophet William Marrion Branham. That pillar of fire is continually vindicating as you also prove HIM wrong. For God said he shall send strong delusion to such, lest it is God who inspire you to disprove the ministry and He can Himself help you to find more information. God bless you, as we pray with one another under no man's name but of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  4. Wow this is so evil. The way he wrote those secret letters and they kept them secret being totally complicit in deceiving millions of people. What a group of liars who I’m sure have received their just reward from their judge not their savior Jesus. ✝️

  5. … Querem 'deixar a Mensagem', que deixem… porém, não fiquem distorcendo os fatos e nem caluniando pessoas que já se foram deste mundo e já não podem defenderem-se, e principalmente, NÃO TOQUEM NO UNGIDO DO Senhor. As consequências serão terríveis para vocês. Finalizando, só uma pergunta faço-lhes: PODEM AS TREVAS E SEUS demônios, VENCEREM AS HOSTES CELESTIAIS, E A LUZ ??? … NÃO. NÃO PODEM, JAMAIS !!!

  6. And the religious people said that John the Baptist had a devil on him, Luke 7:33, i.e, people today think that they would have supported Jesus if they lived in those days but they are showing today who they would have supported.


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