This is a brief history of the life and ministry of William Branham, a prominent healing evangelist in the mid-20th century. I try to …


  1. In the six months since I did this video it has attracted a lot of Branhamites (followers of William Branham). I just want to say here that Branham was a true prophet in my opinion, but he was also very flawed and died before his time by the mercy of God. All of these Branhamites need to forsake their idolatry and get their eyes on Jesus – not legalism, not Branham's quirky teachings, and not Branham's miracles. Jesus is your savior, teacher, and king. He sent William Branham to preach the gospel and minister healing and prophecy through his unique gifts. When Branham strayed from his calling he was removed from the scene and others carried on the work of preaching the gospel in the power of the Spirit. Ministers come and go, but the Word of God endures forever. Blessings.

  2. I'm sorry sir , I disagree with your message .. branham was either a prophet or a false prophet .. you can't be in between … If you are willing to speak your opinion about branham , are willing to do a debate on the serpent seed and Trinity ? It's easy for you to say he err in his teachings in this video with out anyone challenging you to see if your point of view trumps over branhams point of view .. I would like to speak with you sir … There are alot more darkness in this world that you and many ppl don't see nor does anyone care .. I give you an example … I came from an Acts 2:38 church … In that being said … Let's talk about the name Jesus Christ .. has anyone ever studied the point of origin to this name ? When the books of acts was being full filled , English was not here .. so what name did the apostle preached ? As history teaches us that English didn't come until 3rd or 4th century A.C … The Roman Catholic held power over the scriptures for many years … When English first came .. there was not a letter J or Y in the English alphabet… When the 1611 KJV was translated , his name was spelled with an I … There was not a letter J in the original text … So where did the name Jesus come from? It was transliteration from the Greek Ieosus .. and Greek had alot of Greek mythology and mythology names .. and Ieosus was supposed had been translation from the name yeshua… But yeshua is jeshua from the old testament… In that being said … Who established the name Jesus Christ ? When the Messiah was debating with the Pharisees , he asked them John's baptism , was it from heaven or from men ? And they could not answer him . Same like wise is the name Jesus Christ from heaven or from men threw translation… Because of this , is why my eyes are on branham .. if he is truly the messenger for this age , then we are order to listen to him just as we are order to listen to the apostle… If Branham is not a true prophet or the messenger for this church age , then the name Jesus Christ is NOT the savor name ..I'm not being blasphemous but you all don't realize how bad the Catholic Church has derailed the true gospel…

  3. Good morning. This is Charles T. Marie. Said I'd visit this place again. And I have. Per The Lord's Instruction – I've said all that I have to say, at this point. TONS more I "could" say. And ALL of it would be from The Lord Jesus – the Real One. Oh well. Enjoy the sandbox that's been urinated in and defecated in – and continues to be so. What a foolish generation. Wisdom is justified of her children. Just not the Wisdom of God. I'm not an elitist. And I'm not preferring my own thoughts, ways or words in this. He's The One that's Right. And I'm the unprofitable servant who's following Him. That's the long and short of it. Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils; for wherein is he to be accounted of? And let God be true; and every man a liar. I ascribe my knowledge from afar; my thoughts from The Most High. I believe in the Real Word of Faith, from The Book of Romans. K. Hagin Sr. And W. M. Branham are NOT my "homeboys". NONE of the "sandbox crowd" are. Hmm. Bio? 68 years old now. Born 50 miles south of New Orleans, LA. 1st language French. We had no Bible in our house. Drawn to look at DaVinchi's Last Supper, on the wall, in the kitchen, @ 3 years old. God reveals his kingdom to me, gives me repentance to the acknowledging of the truth, I repent, HE forgives me, I ask the Father/Jesus/Holy.Spirit/All.God's.Holy.Angels, to come live in me all of the time – This Happens!!!- immediately the Fruit of the Spirit springs up in me. Saved @ 3 years old – at home – between The Lord and me. All within, without words spoken. Glorious!!! Things were golden for 1 year. When 4 years old – with my mom – @ a mission catholic church – Cocodrie, La. – God causes His servant Moses to appear to me – at the inside front of the church building. Immediately The Gifts Of the Spirit work thru me – unknown tongue inside of me "moses" confirmed 3 times in miraculous fashion. 2 weeks later, a wicked spirit inhabits my mom. Immediately she derides me verbally. Mocks me. Decides me. Almost daily. Family picks up on this. They feel it's OK to follow the matriarch. Hell comes from them. Local public school kids pick up on this/these spirits, when I begin public school. More agony thru school. Military. God decides to revive His work in the midst of the years in my late 20's. Some of my family visits NC. Leave me with a Bible. Reading it all the time. Then introduced to the underbelly of leviathan i.e. Protestants. Already experienced the topside of leviathan i.e. Catholics. Enough bio. – ctm

  4. Charles T. Marie – addendum – "moses" was an unknown tongue to me, as 1st language was French and I'd never heard the word Moses in English in my entire life to that point. Interpretation – I was made to understand at that instant that the man standing in font of me was indeed moses. 1 cor 12 says tongues+interp.=prophecy. All 9 gifts worked thru me from that point on within a 2 week period. Enjoy that sandbox, ya'll. I'll keep the Crown that was Given to me. I'll let no man take it. Funny. Man in TN. Branhamite. Decent mam. I shared a few things with him about what the Lord had done in my life. He said, "I can't understand it. You walk almost the same way The Prophet (Branham) does. And yet you're not of The Prophet." I didn't respond to him then. I will respond now. I do understand it. The 'why' of it. I AM following THE PROPHET. THE REAL PROPHET. And That would be JESUS. Therefore: The Prophet = JESUS THE PROPHET = JESUS. Can't speak for Branham. But I CAN speak for me.

  5. Charles T. Marie – addendum: But I CAN speak about what I've seen. H. Richard Hall. Disciple of William Branham. And I have MUCH more about Hall, first hand and close. Child of hell – definitely yes. His vernable master? All you have to do is look at The Scriptures. Them that seek the Lord shall understand all things. Wouldn't dream of depriving ya'll from having to seek JESUS (- Branham?) In finding the Actual Truth. You sandbox guys are in a real pickle. A real circular do-loop. That includes the narrator, woof-woof nar full.g d.mssg Can't help that. But. Keep playing in that sandbox, boys and girls. You're doing a bang up job. Hell is ready to enlarge herself, depending upon what you do. Ante up time is coming. – ctm

  6. The trinity doctrine is a demonic doctrine that can be related to pagan worship from the time of nimrod babylon and egypt.


    The LORD JESUS has the Highest Name which is the NAME OF GOD – Philippians 2:9-11

    water immersion is in THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST – Acts 2:36-39, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19:1-6

  7. Alfie,South Africa
    Find it hard to believe that the supernatural vindicated ministry could be in error.Pillar of Fire was authenticated by the tests conducted by George G Lacy head of the FBI who declared that this man will pass on but his ministry which is the ministry of Christ will live on.God does not make mistakes with His chosen man.Do believe Gordon Lindsay was blinded just as Demas in scripture was blinded to Paul's ministry.

  8. No one, absolutely no one , in the bible was PERFECT or WITHOUT FLAW.. not the prophets, not the disciples, not the people… except Jesus. Hence why he became the slain lamb ,so i appreciate this video, people should not be mad at it , Glory to God.. who has an ear let him hear.

  9. That a man like this walked the Earth mad my faith stronger in the Word of God….I just have to listen or read the several sermons of William Branham , the recordings , and I get immediately drunk in the Spirit , the spirit rejoicing. That a Man like him gets rejected by the so called ' doctrine doctors ' of Christianity and on the other hand a Caravan robber , a child molester and murderer from the middle East ( an anti Christ ) gets followed in millions just for claiming an angel visited him is baffling.

  10. I want anyone to show me by the Bible where bother branham teaching and doctrine was wrong……

    Anyone want to take up the challenge..

    Yes true as a person he made lots of mistakes but then it come to the teaching of the word God was always with him and where he made a mistake God correct him…

    Brother branham was a true Prophet of God and he did not know everything because God don't tell his prophets everything….

  11. Branham "prophesied" off prayer cards turned in by his duped followers. These were numbered cards. He would line the people up according to these numbered cards and "prophecy" to them such things as their address and whatever it was they had written on that card. "I've never met you have I ?" This was his go to line with these folks and they bought into it. "There's a sucker born every minute"as Barnham would say. But then again so would Branham. A false prophet if there ever was one!

  12. Kenneth Hagin denied he never had any vision or prophecy on William Branham but said it was sis Shredder that had that prophecy . Sister when acosted also denied she made that prophecy .pls do your research well. Kenneth Hagin lied. No wrong doctrines preached by wmb

  13. Thank you very much, i like the way you present it. as you said, despite what David did, he still remained a man after God's heart, a prophet and nobody could change that. I disagree with you when you say he was to be kept in balance, by who? the angel that prevented him from drinking and smoking could not do that but men? But i appreciate your presentation and view. Many years after his preaching, i can tell you that God is still confirming the message preached by our Prophet W M Branham as being the truth. Stay blessed

  14. Why did Gordon Lindsay salary was approximately 1000 times more than what Brother Branham took? Is it not tricky?

    They were jealous and not able to take the truth spoken by the HOLYSPIRIT as it was directly piercing them that's the reason they diverted and distracted with their false opinion and human nature.

    Feel pity for you. God save his people.

  15. Jesu's ministry was in three pulls, the first and second pull He was very famous. But when He started on the third pull (revealing the Word – teaching ministry), rebuking the ant Christ spirit in them Pharisees, they called Him the devil! Will that repeat again when the Son of Man is being revealed. Certainly!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN BRANHAM'S MINISTRY. THE SAME TREND!!

  16. His ministry was and still is misunderstood and largely rejected.
    It can not be explained intellectually, it will always seem off to the natural mind. The only way to understand it is to humble yourself before God and sincerely ask him to reveal the truth to you. It must be revealed by God himself to each individual believer. God knows if you are really sincere. Man will never be able to explain supernatural things.


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