william branham speaks in toungues jumalan rauhaa kiitos.


  1. Jumalan Rauhaa as the prophet says does not mean he spoke in tongues for goodness sake. I am in Finland and that is just a translation of God's grace be upon you and he answered kiitos which means thank you. Please let us understand something very well before we post it online. This is not speaking in tongues by William branham.

  2. You may find hundred of words like this. But one thing I want to tell you that he spoke the word of God and I'm sure in that. Revise your mind instead of finding mistakes Read HOLY BIBLE.

  3. Dear precious brother God bless you richly , I don't know the brother who posted the video on youtube but I do understand his point very clear , What this brother was trying to show is what had happened to the prophet speaking in another language which himself didn't know that he spoke in tongues , Here are two differnt messages one of 59-0412A Be Certain Of God and 59-0411E Watching His Star . And if you understand it well Even the Prphet Himself wonder how The Holy Spirit end up by speaking in finnish language while him as prophet doesn't know even english well . The point is to show you How accurate is the power of God ,The Holy Ghost knowse Everything , and this had happen several time in the life of the prophet William Branham when He was speaking in English and the spanish girl could understand him in Spanish, Please just Only Believe This is about the word of GOD no question about it, God does things beyond human reasoning.Remember the day of pentecost Simon Peter and the rest of the apostles were speaking in hebrew laguage but people could understand them in their own language . THIS IS THE HOLY SPIRIT IN WORK Please don't get me wrong I am just trying to share a point on this . Only Believe Be Blessed

  4. I, bambabobo mudingay no matter what people may say about you william marrion branham, i love you so much and my prayers is tobe where you are.william marrion branham, he is the greatest of all the prophet, from enoch till nowadays, he is God made a flesh, moses spoken about him, Jesus spoken about etc, i love him so much, he is my guide.

  5. A very small attempt to discredit the Brides messenger. Everybody should know that William Branham was not an infallible human being. If you cant follow the message without trying to deify the messenger you have a serious personal problem with God. I pray that God Himself will help you to have a real deep relationship with His Word. The Message is the revealing of His Word!

  6. ow it's been a little while since this thread was created. I want you brothers to know something. Since Easter weekend everything has come alive. There was a cloud easter evening directly over my rental. I had a vision for over an hour on april 10th. Was my first vision ever. I've had 2 shorter ones since then. I've also been having tons of dreams. One of which had warfare in America as people were gathering under thos huge ivory tower. I reached back to get my sons hand and Bro. Byskal was standing right there looking at me smiling ear to ear. I've never met this man. But I need to get some very important messages out to the brethren and also to Bro. Byskal. I made my first testimonial video about the major vision. Just click my name. Bit tr hats just the tio of the iceberg. These things need to be heard. You guys must know what is happening

  7. He knew two phrases in Finnish, faked them as tongues, but he didn't have the Finnish accent.
    The Internet would destroy the movements of the false teachers, if the followers were only willing to listen.

  8. It s awesome how Bro Branham would know this facts from someone he didn't know in person and even sitting in the audience: blood pressure, from Finland. It s funny how detractors look at the fact he just could say "Jumalan Rauhaa" and "kiitos" but they overlook the fact he told the woman what was her problem and where she was from. Now, they always want to filter the mosquito but swallow the camel. Hypocrites, showed thise facts wrong, so you would prove God wasn't there.

  9. Well bro Branham doesn't claimed here he's speaking with tongues. Its your private interpretation that he speaks in tongues..clearly, brother Branham is telling himself what he was saying that's why he asked, What was I saying??? Its an expression, its like sometimes if we lost track of what to say, we asked what was im saying. So in this preaching, he's clearly telling us get what the spirit says, or what he is preaching, is what the spirit says.

  10. Your twisting what Brother Branham said. He was giving testimony to his first experience of speaking those words in the language of the world (Finsh) when before that time he did not know the meaning of those words. He then learned what they meant. Many times he would be under such an anointing that he would have to go back and listen to the tape to know what he said because he didnt know himself. Isn’t Voice of God ministry’s his own family? Are you trying to say Gods prophet lied? Shame on you! As far as I’m concerned you’ve blasphemed God. Who ever orchestrated this video is walking on very dangerous ground.

  11. Father if you did it in 2007 you can do it now Devil come out of my throne let the man Sent from God work over my place and return everything good that i lost forgive me give me a heart for loving your word your servants and your congregation return me to the good old days of 2007, 2018 ,2005 satan you are forever defeated

  12. 7 Well, Apostle Crepin of the Congo-Kinshasa drew my attention to what William Branham said in his preaching: "Super sign" that he delivered on Sunday afternoon, June 24, 1962, South Gate, California, USA, Ref. 64. He says: "… there come forth a prophet one of these days a-preaching the original Word of God. You talk about me telling you about having bobbed hair or something like that. Wait until you get a hold of him. Wait till listen to him. You think I'm rough on organization. Wait till he comes in existence. He will restore all the years that the palmerworm eaten. It'll be a Message go forth… ". Today this Scripture is fulfilled before you! [Ed: the congregation says, "Amen!"]. But ask the Branhamists what they think about it. Is William Branham talking about himself or another person? Compare the midnight Cry with the evening Message and tell me that this prophecy is not fulfilled! Brethren, be serene.

    8 You remember the experience I had in 1993, I was like the Angel of judgment, that is to say a glowing white cloud like a mirage. I was standing very far from me without a body with my mind and all my senses, recognizing those I could see as if I were already in the Millennium. This is to say that one day, when our bodies are lifeless, we will still be alive but in this other divine dimension to go and give God an account of all of our actions on earth.

    🇬🇧#Download: The app "Prophet Kacou Philippe (Official)" on Google and App store or https://prophetekacou.en.aptoide.com/app or go to: http://www.philippekacou.org/en

  13. Brother branham call my school teacher out she took a friend to one of his meeting- he told her her name here address the house number the town and said you brought your friend but you need healing also – she had never told anyone what the doctor had told her and brother branham told her word for word- she use to stop teaching half way through the day and play a portion of a tape every day when I was in her class


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