William Branham Explains Sex

William Branham held sex classes for women in the early church. He came prepared with papers and “things” to discuss sex with …


  1. I love the music–so fitting and well done! I sure am glad I was never in those classes–sickening to even think about! More pontificating about things he so obviously knows NOTHING about!! It used to be believed that if a woman didn't climax, she couldn't get pregnant, that the egg is released then. Which obviously isn't true!! Our bodies release an egg when we ovulate. Virgins ovulate! Which things that WMB said do I find the most offensive. Hard to narrow it down, since so much he said is so offensive!! Not the most damaging, but the most offensive–the top three are that women are lower than hogs and dogs because we do not go into heat like other animals, wall-eyed conditions that women have (UGH!~!!!!), and we gave them integration and now things are worse than ever. I have an almost visceral reaction when I hear him say those things. If he had had those day long classes for men about sex and I was a man there, I would definitely have to come down with malaria the day before!!! Thanks John!! Thanks for all you are doing!!

  2. Aside from being horrifically misinformed, (seriously where did he get any of that information?) the fact that he dared to “teach” people such things is abhorrent. But I grew up UPCI and was scary how misinformed people my age were as well. My mother taught me right and I’ve only added to that knowledge. It’s offensive but all I can do is really laugh that he believed such nonsense, my grandpa was a big follower which explains everything.

  3. Apparently my last comment was too graphic, but those "talks" to young people sounds like grooming. And those private "talks" with kids are still happening in at least Tim Pruitt's message church. I didn't even realize how off that was till I went to see a therapist.

  4. 2:32 “…but she’s designed to be a sex act”.

    That breaks down WMB’s view of women right there. All he he saw was a “sex act”, when he looked at women. I mean, come to think of it—he admitted keeping a cross in his car to look at every time he saw women.

  5. Wow. You should do one on this, Matt 5:28 "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

    According to the NT, the sex gland is in the heart, which is the mind. Branham wasn't even going that deep and we're missing the point. If you thought what he said was horriblly wrong you must believe Jesus knew even less about biology.

  6. I see nothing wrong with what he said. Honestly, this is mocking his message… and he explained these things clearly. I find this very disrespectful and disturbing, why the background music and why highlighting parts that fit your agenda. Try to have a balanced point of view and don’t take everything he says literally, he’s trying to make a point when he speaks on sex. It’s a sensitive subject but it’s true, sex is a strong thing and he tries to illustrate how it affects us what so how we should act in regards to sex. I hope I come off reasonably, because everything he said was reasonable, the quotes were quite literally taken out of context. Just please be clear on your point. I don’t see anything wrong in what he said 🙂

  7. Man of God who hated sin with his heart all. Fornication and adultry still is digusting today. Had no better way to preach it but speak it out clearly as is to express how God abhores sexual immortality. And furthermore we all know that kissing arouse sexual feeling hence stated that sexual glands are in the lips. 100% nailed right to the core…i would preach it hard like he did. Do not misinterpret the context of his message……read between lines. No wonder why people never understand his powerful gospel is never at all for them but his church. "This is to my church only" salute to that! WMB the "Prophet".

  8. There were two things true here: one man's lips should not be touching another man's lips, and if a man and woman are not close enough to kiss, there will be no babies made either.

    We should also notforget that during this point of his life, he is lying about his breadth of educcation. We also know that he knew how babies were made, since he managed it four times at least.

  9. Just doing some research about cults and this person kept coming up so I looked into his life and his arrests of fraud by the FBI. Also with some sources quoting of his visions never coming true – but I can see that many follow his teachings and believe that he spoke to God (Lord forgive me). Is anybody able to point me in the right direction?

  10. So,
    1.A man should not kiss another man. That's for the homos.
    2. A man and a woman shouldn't kiss on the mouth if tbey are not a couple .

    I do not see anything wrong with this particular message. May be i didn't get your point. Please explain further.


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