William Branham was very certain that he had seen a vision of a female president ruling the United States shortly before the End …


  1. I have heard by some that it is Kamala Harris and the Hypothesis that when she attended school in Canada 🇨🇦 she registered her name as KAMALA DEVINE HARRIS and she has now shortened her middle name to DEVI ..and the word …Man is generic. And the possibility is she maybe part of Unholy trinity. Her name equals 666… And I just sharing this as many are pointing to her .Perry Stone entertained this possibility.

  2. A vindicated prophet of God for this day,l wonder how foolish some people can be in going to great lengths just trying to look for fault in such a sincere and humble man as he was,,with all the vindication he had,he never needed lies to add up anything to his testimony,he came to SA and indeed,our fathers witnessed the healing power of the Lord through his ministry

  3. Whenever a prophecy comes from the devil, it'll always have misleading statements, statements that cause confusion or that appeal to our carnality or that show carnality in the speaker's mind, or ungodly statements amid the truth, an appearance of truth because there will be true statements in it but sprinkles of lies in the midst. This is exactly what I heard from this man, whoever he is/was.

  4. William Branham was a prophet of God just a man yes, we see even in the scriptures where prophets agreed with a wrong prophecy. We also see where Jesus Christ said the Jews killed ever prophet that God sent to them till he sent his son and they take hold of him and kill him too. We people say scripture says this so we will prove whether you be a prophet or not. Most prophets died before there prophecy’s came to pass like he said wait and see God will prove him out. Yes we are to test every spirit wether it be of God or not at the same time we are to take head from men of God who come with a word.

  5. Well, even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day. He's all over the place, but right about a couple of things. Women getting out of the kitchen (somewhat metaphorically) coupled with the corruption in Hollywood has contributed to the downfall of society. And I think he may well be spot on about an eventual female president or dictator. Odds are it will happen eventually as more women get involved in politics.

  6. My take on this is that the Branham of 1933 was a lot more connected to God than the Branham of later years. I don't think he coped well with the success of his ministry, and ended up being confused about the vision he saw, maybe because he expected it to be fulfilled in his lifetime, and so he interpreted events that happened in his lifetime in order to make sense of the vision. I personally think his vision was something he saw, and it stands alone, without any need for interpretation by Branham or anyone else. When the fulfillment happens, people will realize it. I actually think a partial fulfillment may have already happened with the current VP, but if the current potus is set aside and she becomes potus, that's when it starts to become very interesting…

  7. For your information scripture (KJV) teaches, which is a more sure word of prophecy, that Biden will be removed from the Office 3 1/2 years from when he took seat in the Office on Jan. 20, 2021, which brings the time of his removal to July 20, 2024, as per Dan. 7:25. And what are we now seeing a couple of weeks before that time? The removal of Biden, which will be fulfilled, for the scriptures must be fulfilled. In other words, once the spoken word of God becomes the written word of God, it then becomes the immutable word of God that will not change, but will come to pass, for the scripture must be fulfilled.

    When you keep reading, the next verse says, "But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end" (vs. 26). It's not if, but when Biden is removed that his successor will succeed the Office and become President, i.e.VP Kamala Harris!!! That said, according to scripture, during Kamala's time as President, the U.S. is going to receive a deadly wound, which pertains to the body (infrastructure) of the U.S., i.e. the national grid, which is now more vulnerable than ever due to these illegal immigrants, as some are terrorists whose agenda is to destroy the nation. That said, prepare yourselves now with canned food, water, and a mean to cook. Accept and realize that this wound is coming sometime after Biden is removed (July 20, 2024), and Kamala becomes President, whose time in the Office ends at noon on Jan. 20, 2025. Also know the word of God says that the deadly wound is healed (by Trump): and all the world shall wonder after the beast (USA; Rev. 13:3).

    God is: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Godhead, and these Three are one.

  8. Take it at face value. A woman president before the annihilation of the world. Only time will tell. There is talk now, today of placing Michelle Obama in as president. So we'll see. Jesus Christ is coming soon. Do you know Him? He loves you. You wouldn't jump out of a plane without a parachute, don't leave this life without the Savior ❤

  9. People with spiritual natures can sometimes glimpse the future and without being true biblical prophets. Those little triangle bikini bottoms girls have worn since what, the 1980's or 90's, are pretty much a fig leaf. His glass bubble self-driving cars was another direct hit on the future (farther out). Kamala Harris has at least some chance of getting elected, or taking the role if Biden steps down, we'll see soon enough. They can cheat her in for a full term easily enough. China and Russia can certainly run a sneak attack on the US and drop 2000 nukes on us, any time they want, and there are so many traitors already in place in the federal gov that a "stand down" order could make it a one-sided event.

  10. You people who were commenting wrong things about Branham shame on you, a woman will take the place of a president or something, of great some high power in America and it has happen only the Bride of Jesus Christ can understand this message of William Marion Branham God gave him not the foolish virgin


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