William Branham and the Anti Medication Doctrine of Dowie

Continuing the doctrine of John Alexander Dowie, William Branham coerced his listeners to believe that they should rely upon …


  1. The amazing thing is also that even when a person was prayed for and declared to be healed, what if the person was not healed William
    Branham claimed that he was the person who had no faith.
    But in the Bible we see the opposite: "if the person was cured, nowhere does it show that he lost the cure.
    So no one could question it, and we now know that countless people died after being declared cured!

    Very good, continue John Collins, it will help many to be freed from the Branhamite sect.

    Walter Martins. (Brazil)

  2. And yet when his wife had a tumor, he took her to a doctor and was going to have it removed, and then on the day of the surgery, it wasn't there anymore, or so he claimed. I believed that happened for so many years, but now I doubt, question, and don't believe anything he said. You've exposed so many lies he told and false teachings, that if WMB said the sky was blue, I would go outside to see if it turned purple. It really makes me sad and angry, that so many people, including myself, suffered so much in so many different ways, trying to live the "message" and yet if your last name was Branham it was totally different. To find out the man I revered when I followed his "message" and then feared when I left it, was just a hypocrite and a liar with evil motives is both heartbreaking and liberating at the same time. Thank you, John Collins, for the work you are doing!!!

  3. I wonder why Bible is not enough to prove WMB wrong, as atheist is necessary to appeal to things that are questionable but never with a testimony of a third person that lived in those days. Why Bible is not enough to prove WMB wrong?????

  4. I'm not sure but I think Branham said sicknesses are caused by bad spirits. So does that mean we can eat cheap crap from McDonalds, as long as we don't have a bad spirit?

  5. It's clear as daylight u don't know the minister of br branham…. Stop lieing to the people sir…

    Brother branham said doctor is send by God to help… And that medicine and doctors are all part of Devine health so what are u talking about u speak as if you did your homework ne but it's clear u have one Goal that's to do the work of your father the devil… AND people that don't know will fall for your lies


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