Why you should take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools | Hailey Hardcastle | TEDxSalem

While not everyone has a diagnosed mental illness, every person has their own mental health with unique needs and challenges.


  1. Mental health is getting worse and I am glad some states have made a step in the right direction. I see so many high school students just being mentally exhausted and have heard teachers say they are tired of students being lazy. When in reality our system needs improvement so we can create a better future. One where teen sucide rates stop increasing and where we can all thrive.

  2. I can't take breaks because at my high school, there is no way to catch up. I go to school even if I'm sick because it's better and easier than getting teachers to help me by catching me up on the work I missed. Plus the work load is so high that it is too much work and is impossible to make up the work I missed and do the work from the days after I've come back to school. I am normally a mostly A student, but I almost failed half of my classes last semester because I was sick for a week, and I ended up unable to successfully make up everything I missed plus I did poorly on tests from missing the instructions on how to do the things taught in class. This especially hit hard in Geometry whenever I didn't know how to do an entire week's worth of stuff.

  3. I have a question I’m in the uk and just began college September 2021 I know I haven’t been there for long but I have had a traumatic high-school experiences which is where my social anxiety began (diagnosed), this is also when my toxic household started getting way worse when I started college I was fine I liked it better than school but everyday I was scared to go in for some reason, it’s been like this a lot lately and recently I’ve been crying and having multiple panic attacks in rows before I go college so I always end up being absent even if I’m in college I can rarely focus on my actual lessons so I’m behind, I’ve been told that I can get kicked out if I’m absent too many days and I know I’m only getting worse my panic attacks are becoming more frequent and I’m having more worrying thoughts but I don’t know if I can’t withdraw? Is it too early to put a label that it’s on my mental health? Because if I tel my parents they’ll say I’m overreacting and try push my so will my workers which I’m scared for. What do I do?

  4. I'm struggling much with mental health this month. I get panic attacks in school and often fall to ground. I'm embarrassed to talk to my parents about that i don't think they would let me stay home

  5. I'm a high school student from India and the stress caused due to my school is so bad
    Hope the educational system in India make some changes considering the health of the students and the stress on them due to the competitive exams.

  6. Wait you have some break's i never got one i can't go any longer i feel so empty end i thing i need help but I'm too scared of what mine mom or dad will say about that i thing mine mom will say something like "you are completely fine end you just don't wanna to go to school " she won't believe me

  7. Great job, this is so important! it applies to me now. If I didn't have a pretty good tool kit I'm not sure where I would be. I am in school and have been since before the pandemic and all the way through it until now, also worked in healthcare setting and have faced personal challenges this last year of school. I struggled and I have some very good coping skills that I know how to implement, it is the only thing that has pushed me through aside from my partner, family and friends/classmates. So I can imagine those that are not as prepared mentally.

  8. I suffered from sleep disorder and mental illness since 9 years old. That's was no support from even my doctors. It became manic depression.
    And due to the death cells in my brain and spine it caused partial paralysis. Now my ALS retaled mental will shut down my organs eventually.

    DISCLAIMER: I don't do drugs.

  9. @KEMENDIKBUD RI mungkin bisa diliat video ini. Mudah-mudahan ini bisa menjadi salah satu pembelajaran untuk memajukan generasi anak bangsa di masa kini ataupun masa depan 🙏🏻

  10. This made me cry…My mental health was not taken seriously in high school and my teachers thought I was only trying to ditch and they stopped giving counsel and would send me back to class whenever I needed a break and talk to someone. I ended up attempting suicide and would be in and out of hospitals. When I had to eventually go back to school my condition still wasn’t taken seriously, so I decided to use drugs as a coping mechanism and almost completely dropped out of high school. I graduated over a year late after my mom pulled me from that high school and got me in to an alternative school that had a compassionate staff and all they wanted was for their students to get better. A lot of people were in my boat and I felt supported in a way public school could never do for me… 6 years later I am now in my 3rd semester of college with a 4.0 gpa and my mental health is at the best it’s ever been. It takes compassionate and caring individuals to be good teachers. This young woman is doing amazing things for the educational community!

  11. This is great, but I want to advocate for Mental Health Workers in school where they can council young distress kids. Schools should have Mental Health Workers, enough is enough.


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