Why we shouldn’t shy away from sexual education | Dr. V. Chandra-Mouli | TEDxChisinau

As an expert in adolescent sexual and reproductive health, Dr. V. Chandra – Mouli, explains that sexuality education is not just …


  1. Save the Children is proud to partner with the World Health Organization to ensure younger adolescents have the information (and life skills) needed to grow up healthy.  Great talk, Chandra.

  2. interesting points ,if anyone else wants to learn about exercises to overcome shyness try Skyarza Stop Shyness Star ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my mate got amazing success with it.

  3. Notice that he didn't ever mention sexual orientation , gender identity and same sex , sexual education is only for heterosexuals apparently. Always ignore censor LGBT. 👎👎👎👎👎

  4. I learnt about this from my teacher in year 3. Had 5 people swearing. Science 4 years later, someone asks if something could go wrong and we turn out as a chicken or a fish.


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