Why we need to talk about suicide | Mark Henick | TEDxToronto

NOTE FROM TED: Some viewers may find elements of this talk to be distressing. TEDx events are independently organized by …


  1. I am dropper student preparing for IIT JEE I am not able to study and i am very scared of getting failed and not getting into any college. I have no one to share my situation with please help me. My preparation was going very smooth but In january 2022 i lost my consistency and was not able to solve good problems and since then I can't focus on studies and going through worst phase of my life. I am from a lower middle class family we donot have enough money to afford for any private college and now i feel very difficult to crack it. my family have high hopes for me but how can i tell them that i am not intelligent enough to crack iit . I donot want my family to get disappoint for me and just doing best of myself I can. Last week I even thought to jump from my terrace at noght but couldn't gather enough courage to do it because I couldn't imagine my family without me crying . I even don't want to disappoint them. I hope I could get into any govt. college doesn't matter which college. I really want to do good in life. And the biggest mistake of my life is to take PCM even though I got 90% in 12th. I hope I could have taken Arts not because I want to escape from my current problem. Everyone please pray for me I could survive.

  2. It really hurts, so much. Great speech here really hits the key notes completely real. I don't see hope anymore, even instinctively. Anyway great video best speech I've seen.

  3. You wanna know what's scary. That the statistics have gotten higher not lower since this ted talk. I used to think I'd NEVER deal with depression or suicide. But here I am at 19 fighting through the darkest time of my life. It's scary and lonely. And I don't want to die at all. But I fear living. My church and music has helped me so much. And I pray whoever is reading this. Your not alone. And I won't sugar coat it. Because i wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. But if you put in the work and the space and time to heal. You WILL see a change.💗

  4. “I would hate the way the sunlight came in my window every morning when I would wake up.”

    This statement feels so relatable at this moment in my life. Thank you for being brave enough to continue on and to be here to make such an amazing speech.

  5. Suicide can also be considered as a positive attitude and societies don't like suicide just because of marketing and profits.
    I "practiced" suicide but someone saved me without 'authorisation".
    This is all about Corporations and profits because suicide it means no tax and no buyer.

    I stayed in a Private Mental Institution for 8 weeks and I still don't understand why suicide is bad?
    As an example, drinking alcohol is far worst than suicide because ethanol causes addiction and cancer causing miserable lifes for the drinker and family!

  6. 1. Suicide happens by someone in your close life the person who are the reason behind suicide is always free that's his mind games playing with suicidal person it could be from your family your boss your friends your relatives your neighbors your teachers
    2.who are tortured by this should know this
    3. Good laws good government can prevent this

  7. So deep thoughts, we have to admit: we are something even when we do not feel worth it!
    That's the emotions that all of you felt watching this video. And probably, if you are here for the same reason I'm here, you're still alive, or just want to feel so again. We are incredibily loud if we want it, so young people from all over the world, listen: just talk to the ones who stood with you in this hard times, it could be a new day, finally.

  8. For me it was losing my mother to Covid and then my income due to the year long lockdowns in Pa. now without a miracle I will be homeless and having no one to love in this world makes me want to end it which seems the only thing to do.

  9. Same here I don't want to hurt the people who love me or all the people who've helped me I met so many people who've helped me try to hold on another day and I don't want to hurt them I don't want to hurt my family I think they would be sad think it would be very painful for them if I gave up I don't know what to do anymore my mental health is really bad and having people say go kill yourself doesn't make it better but I thank God for this man who did this talk


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