Nathaniel Buzolic joins Ashley Key for a new series: “Why do you Believe?” In this interview, Nate shares his testimony and the …


  1. Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, and Monsters behave like The Munsters and The Addams Family in Heaven. Jesus died for Frankenstein. May Classic Monsters and Sci-Fi rest in Heaven with Jesus and his angels

  2. I didn’t even know he was Christian I saw Nate buzz on tiktok and I’m like he looks like the guy from vampire diaries and he was that’s so cool I used to watch vampire diaries before I was born again this is interesting I’ll be following him in tiktok

  3. It’s one thing to care for others but it’s unconditional eternal love that we must have for His people and above all God. As it is written.
    God will use us at our lowest. Heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead and spread the gospel good news.
    Plant the seeds!
    Good idea for Christians to carry the Bible in public! Start the story but you can also ask people if you can randomly pray for them

  4. Love this. I just can't help but think how cool it would be if you and Kirk Cameron got together for some project or another.
    Thank you for being true to Jesus and the faith and taking the time to spend in his word and discern what it means, to apply it to your life and share the gospel.
    Thank you Jesus, for taking an actor and creating him to be a deep well of your Holy Spirit flowing out to others.

  5. This was so refreshing to listen to! A lot of the things he said deeply touched my heart. God is using him in a beautiful way!
    To anyone reading this: Jesus loves you so much that he died on the cross for your sins. He rose from the dead on the 3rd day and He's coming back soon to take us in His Heavenly Kingdom with Him, for eternity ! Repent of your sins and accept Him as your Lord and Savior to be saved and live the righteous life God wants you to live! I love you and let me know if you need prayers❤️


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