Eternity Network International ————————————————————- ➤Video original and produced exclusively by …


  1. thank you father of my brother glory of dance in work of best man thank you god for your plan in my life kingdom lord jesus Christ in holy spirit jesus Christ make everything works for my good in the front of my enemy in roma of lord god thank you brother jesus Chris amen in lord jesus Christ hallelujah hosanna

  2. I 🙋 pray today that I may exhibit and walk 🚶 in and with the nature of Jesus Christ 👑all the days of my life 🧬 LORD I also pray that Your kingdom come and Your Will be done in earth 🌎 🌍, the way it is done in heaven 🙇.

  3. 🥰💕😍❤️‍🔥😇 HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO GOD! THANK YOU JESUS! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME FOREVER AND FOREVERMORE! Shalom! 🤔 I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU, "MY" DEARLY BELOVED Pastor. 👑 Luke 12:4-5 "DEAR FRIENDS, don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot do any more to you after that. 🌟 But I'll tell you WHOM TO FEAR. FEAR GOD, WHO HAS THE POWER TO KILL YOU and then throw you into hell. (promise) 🤩The Lord has shown me 2 helpers clearly coming to my home and ministering to ME, personally, and they are both God's servants, and MY helpers, sent to MY HOUSE and THEY WILL OBEY THE VOICE OF THE LORD and COME, BECAUSE THEY FEAR Him, (MY Almighty Father God, promise, decreed, declared). 👑 1 Samuel 12:14-15 "IF YOU WILL FEAR THE LORD," and SERVE HIM and OBEY HIS VOICE, and not rebel against the commandment of the Lord, THEN shall both you continue following the Lord your God: BUT IF you will not obey The VOICE of The Lord, then shall the HAND of The Lord BE AGAINST YOU. (promise) 👑 Proverbs 15:33 The reverent and worshipful FEAR OF THE LORD brings instructions in Wisdom, and humility comes before honor. (promise) 👑 Proverbs 19:23 FEAR OF THE LORD leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm. (promise) 👑 Proverbs 10:27 FEAR OF THE LORD lengthens one's life. (promise) 👑 Proverbs 1:7 FEAR OF THE LORD is the FOUNDATION OF TRUE KNOWLEDGE. (promise) 👑 Proverbs 14:27 FEAR OF THE LORD is a LIFE-GIVING FOUNTAIN; (promise) it offers ESCAPE from the snares of death. (promise) 👑 Isaiah 33:6 IN the day He will be your SURE FOUNDATION, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. (promise) THE FEAR OF THE LORD WILL BE YOUR TREASURE. (promise, decreed, declared) 👑 Isaiah 11:2 The Spirit of The Lord will rest on him (promise)! The Spirit of Wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of Counsel and Might, The Spirit of Knowledge and THE SPIRIT OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD. (promise) 👑 Acts 9:31 The Church then had PEACE THROUGHOUT Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, and IT BECAME STRONGER AS THE BELIEVERS LIVED IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD. (promise) And WITH THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, IT ALSO GREW IN NUMBER. (promise) 👑 Acts 2:1-2 When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were ALL IN ONE ACCORD IN ONE PLACE. And SUDDENLY there came a sound from Heaven as of a RUSHING MIGHTY WIND, and IT FILLED ALL THE "HOUSE" WHERE THEY WERE SITTING. (The Holy Spirit do GREATLY MANIFEST Himself in MY 🌟 HOUSE, promise) 👑 Acts 1:13a, 14-15 And when they were come in (to the house) they went up to the upper room, where they stayed. These all continued un prayer and supplication with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brethren. All about 120. (Living and staying together in one LARGE HOUSE, mansion maybe?)👑 Acts 9:5-6,10-12,15-16 "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. And The VOICE replied, "I AM JESUS, THE ONE YOU ARE PURSECUTING!" (And it is written, we will reap what we sow, right?) NOW GET UP AND GO INTO THE CITY, (command) and you will be told WHAT YOU MUST DO." (promise) Now there was a BELIEVER in Damascus named Ananias. THE LORD SPOKE TO HIM IN A VISION, CALLING, "ANANIAS!" 😳 "Yes, Lord," he replied. The Lord said to him, "GO OVER TO STRAIGHT STREET, TO THE "HOUSE" OF Judas. When you get there, ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying to Me RIGHT NOW. "I HAVE SHOWN HIM A VISION OF A MAN NAMED ANANIAS COMING IN (to the house) and laying his hands on him so that he can see 👀 again." (I saw one of my helpers laying hands on me and praying for me🙏) The Lord said, "GO, for Saul 🌟 is My CHOSEN INSTRUMENT TO TAKE "MY MESSAGE" TO THE GENTILES AND TO KINGS, AS WELL AS THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL. (promise) And I WILL SHOW YOU 🌟 HOW MUCH YOU WILL SUFFER FOR MY NAMES SAKE. (promise) 👑 Psalm 20:1-2,4 🙏 May The Lord ANSWER YOU 🌟 IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE! 🙏 May The NAME of The God of Jacob SET YOU 🌟 UP ON HIGH and DEFEND YOU; 🌟 And SEND YOU HELP FROM THE SANCTUARY and SUPPORT, REFRESH, AND STRENGTHEN YOU 🌟 FROM ZION. (THANK YOU, king David, for praying for ME! 🤩) May He grant you 🌟 according to YOUR ❤ HEART'S DESIRE and FULFILL ALL YOUR PLANS. (In the MIGHTY Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen) 👑 1 Kings 8:58-61 (Almighty Father God, I pray, in the MIGHTY Name of The Lord Jesus Christ 🙏) MAY HE GIVE 🎁 US THE DESIRE TO DO HIS WILL IN EVERYTHING AND TO OBEY ALL THE COMMANDS, DECREES, AND REGULATIONS THAT HE GAVE OUR ANCESTORS. And may these words that I have prayed in the presence of the Lord be before Him constantly, day and night, so that The Lord OUR GOD MAY GIVE 🎁 US JUSTICE to me 🌟 and His people Israel, according to each day's needs. Then people ALL OVER THE EARTH (ALL peoples, nations, languages, tribes, races) WILL KNOW THAT THE LORD ALONE IS GOD and there is NO OTHER. (promise) And MAY YOU (ALL) BE COMPLETELY FAITHFUL TO THE LORD OUR GOD. (PLEASE) 🙏 MAY YOU ALWSYS OBEY HIS DECREES & COMMANDS, JUST AS YOU ARE DOING TODAY. (In The MIGHTY Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏💖 🤗 HALILUJAH! GLORY TO GOD! THANK YOU JESUS! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME FOREVER AND FOREVERMORE, AMEN ❤❤❤❤❤ MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, LOVE! 🙏🙏🙏 THANK YOU, for keeping me in touch 😁 through a glass window 🚈🚍🛩🙄😎 🙏 Shalom 💝🌟

  4. That is true, this is what is happening to me in my husband family, but I thank you GOD for victory by my spiritual father Jesus Christ for being by my side,💖💖💖💖💖❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💯


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