In my own studies I have been truly surprised to find that there is a substantial amount of evidence for the Jesus’ life, death and …


  1. As a data scientist and Christian, I just chuckle at the people who claim that the evidence doesn’t inform them of a god.

    Evidence must be interpreted. Evidence never speaks for itself. The better question is which worldview makes the most sense of the data.

  2. I think it's kind of arrogant that you just assume that the atheists are just being biased against your "Evidence" and not that you're biased against something you've grown up with all your life and is a core belief for you that is the foundation for all your beliefs.

  3. Yep. That was a mistake I used to make alot. I thought if I could just be a better apologist. If I could just show enough evidence and facts and scriptures that i could convince people. But the truth is it comes down to an individual's heart. In the parable of the sower there were 4 kinds of soil. Only one brought forth fruit. People have to CHOOSE to believe. There is one thing that helps people sometimes and that's love. They don't need much evidence if you show them genuine love. Folks don't care what you know until they know you care.

  4. Hi Mike. I am from South Africa and I’m very concerned about the teaching in Rick Warrens book The purpose driven life.
    To keep this short one thing is being taught is we need to have good music to bring people in and only later tell them gently – not to upset – about salvation we have noticed our church is following his teachings and there seems to be a decline in prophecy and other things
    Is my concern unfounded?

  5. Seems like there's lots of evidence supporting lots of points of view and there in lie the problem, no one has all the answers yet. Think of it this way when we finally nail down the physics it should provide most answers likely going to be some upset atheists, and Christians cause it's probably not gonna be neat n tidy can't make everyone happy some people are delusional no matter what both sides of the fence

  6. Luke 16:31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, *they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead*.'" (From the parable of Lazarus and the rich man).
    There is sufficient evidence if you search for it, but the problem as in everything is the human heart. If it's hardened, no amount of persuasion or logic will work. But for those of us who believe, even our faith in Jesus is God's gift to us: "so that none may boast"

  7. You display a very negative attitude towards critical thinking.

    Not believing what you interpretate as a mountain of evidence for christianity isn't evidence.

    But you gave a pretty accurate description of christianity, but faith in general:
    Prejudice, bias and pre-commitment.

  8. One word describes this dilemma, sin

    People will never believe unless the Father draws them to the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit

    All the evidence in the world can’t convince someone to repent of their sin which we all naturally hold so close to our hearts, only God can cause repentance/faith.

  9. Question for my fellow Christians,

    If a bill came across your ballot box that made gay marriage ILLEGAL, what would you all vote?
    Yay or Nay?

    (I would love to hear Mike's answer as well but I understand he probably doesn't answer the comment section)

  10. I do not believe that Christians exist. Scared of death, lusting for meaning and purpose and hope for the future, these people gobble up any "evidence" that allows them to deceive themselves into believing their convenient lie. Via their prejudice, bias, pre-commitments and the desire for spiritual warfare, they supress the truth in self-righteousness, exchanging the truth about God for their lie.

  11. If there’s so much evidence, why is it that only Christian’s who already believe find it convincing? I’ve never heard of a non believer who became a Christian after examining this so called ‘evidence’

  12. This whole argument/video is a fallacy that could be used by every religion with the same results.
    Islam is right but there is not enough evidence to convince you.
    Hinduism is right there is just not enough evidence to convince you
    The Earth is flat there is just not enough evidence to convince you.
    There are fairies living in my garden there is just not enough evidence to convince you.

    The argument says that Yahweh is an idiot that failed to preserve a single original piece of evidence. Why id Yahweh so dumb that he does not know what evidence to provide.

    This video is just nonsense to give those that believe this based on nothing an excuse in their heads to explain why more and more people are saying rubbish.

  13. You don't have to interpret a news story Matt, it's already been interpreted for you by whatever News Channel you're watching.
    Just as most people don't read and interpret the Bible for themselves, they just let a Preacher/Pastor/Priest interpret it for them.

    There is a mountain of evidence to support that the Bible is a compilation of books that were written, but the ONLY evidence for God is the Bible.

  14. If I'm understanding correctly Mike is saying the Bible has no better capacity to convince than other written works that exist. If this is true and our biases always get the in the way of our free choices, even with a divine message, then how does anyone have a free choice to believe in God?

  15. Ok. So are you in agreement then that it's possible for me to have different political views? Seems to me that the Church in the US has decided that if I am pro-choice and support gay rights that I don't love Jesus. Sometimes you seem to argue that yourself.

    The mountain of evidence for Christianity is the millions of changed minds and hearts that happens when we sinners cry out for our Abba. And he answers.

    That's all the evidence we need.

  16. I don’t think it is as grey as this guy makes. It out to be. Murder is wrong, but instead of punishing the murderer, the system takes care of them and at times releases them all too soon (especially under this judicial system). Also, they want to judge the gun instead of the murderer.


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