Are you a minor, teenager or young adult that is thinking about getting a tattoo? Then you definitely need to watch this video.


  1. Hope this video offers some help & insight to the minors, teenagers and young adults thinking about getting a tattoo.
    AND if you're older, lets hear your first tattoo experience and the age you got it at 👊

  2. Man this is so true. My brother, as soon as he turned 18m, got a tattoo. It was a should panel. 10 years later, although he doesn't regret it, he wishes he would of waited so it could of been a cohesive piece. I didn't get my first tattoo till I was 26 and it was a 3/4 sleeve. I had so many terrible ideas for tattoos as an emerging adult… thankfully… I never went through with them. Take your time, usually my tattoos come after months of consideration and eventually culminate into "oh yah that's what I'm doing". Then I do it… So far it's worked for me. I don't regret any of mine.

  3. I got mine when I was 16 had it fir 2 years it is in memory of a loved one will never regret it got it done by a well known artist's and done my research sat on it fir a couple of months and plane on getting another matching one with my dad

  4. I didn’t get my first tattoo until I was 23, I’m now 26 and I have 8 tattoos and I will have my 9th in a month.
    If I had started getting them earlier I don’t think I would have regretted the ones I got at a young as I still want some of those ideas now. The only reason I’m glad I waited is because now I’m more informed on tattoo so I do my research and I have the money to get good quality tattoos and I know I wouldn’t have had either at the younger age

  5. I’ve got some tattoos and I got them when I was 17. I luckily always made sure I found a GOOD artist who’s style matched what I wanted, always sat on the idea for a few months before I got it, and always talked to my artist about placement and size so I didn’t block any future areas. Always saved my money and tipped well. Family had tattoos so luckily I had a lot of good input as well.

  6. I’m a huge fan of resident evil and I want a medium sized or decent sized nemesis on my arm somewhere I’m 15 but I’m either waiting till 16 or 18 but I want one but I want one so bad I wanna find a good artist and good quality 👍 I’ve always loved loved tattoos they are fascinating and somthing I look forward to as I get older ,I plan to get the resident evil 3 remake game cover on my thigh it’ will always be my favorite franchise that I won’t regret

  7. I was 16 when I got my first tattoo! I got a semicolon tattoo because my junior year of high school I got bullied to the point where I ended up in the hospital from not eating and hurting myself. My parents were fine with tattoos because they have them but they told me that it had to be meaningful. I am now 18 turning 19 and I just got 2 tattoos the same day of my appointment one on my back shoulder area and a big one on my forearm! To this day I am happy with all my tattoo choices and can’t wait for my next piece. But what my parents told me always sticks with me when I’m thinking of what I want done. “Get something that is meaningful, not something for looks or for fun”

  8. I'm 17, i really want a music tattoo, like something pretty with my favourite music pieces and notes. I've been really attached to making and listening to music and it's helped me through a lot. I think if it's something meaningful it's unlikely I'll regret it in the future.

  9. I was 18 but super lucky, my brother who has full sleeves and tattoos from all over the world helped me with so much. He found a good reputable artist with the style I liked, helped me understand after care and everything else. She’s done 8 for me and have 2 more in the next month. Don’t regret any of them thankfully.

  10. Every state in the Union: “Adolescence is a very fragile & tender period. Due to the impressionability, impulsivity, immaturity, recklessness, identity issues, lack of neurological development and extremely volatile psychological development that’s inherent during early & mid adolescenthood we recognize that teenagers are NOT old enough yet to make the decisions to smoke tobacco, use cannabis, drink alcohol, engage in gambling, go clubbing or adopt children.”

    Also Every State in the Union: “Yeah, of course it’s a good idea to let teenagers get permanent highly visible tattoos; why wouldn’t it be?”

  11. Im turning 19 tomorrow and have my tattoo appointment day after tomorrow.. im getting a maple leaf in memory of my puppy maple who died really young bc of pancreatitis. I have been sitting on this idea for 2-3 years now.. and there isn't a single day when i dont miss him or talk about him.. now that im going to college soon i just have to have something to remember him by..

  12. There's a tattoo shop that tattooed a neck and it turned out she was only 16 and used a fake ID to get it. I remember the artist was fine cause he didn't know she wasn't old enough.

  13. I got mine recently in May and it was two months after my birthday I turned 18 I don’t regret mine meant a lot to me gave me a lot of confidence

  14. I got my first tattoo when I was 18 but wanted one long before then. I asked my parents to sign the permission forms on my 14th 15th and 16th birthday and each time the answer was no. I was going to ask on my 17th birthday but I decided not to because I knew what the answer would be.

    8 months after my 18th birthday I finally got my first tattoo and I'm glad I waited and did my research on the artist, saved up cause I was in college at the time and got something that I love just as much now as too when I first got it. I'm 29 now and so far have 7 tattoo and love each one just as much now as the day I got each one.

  15. Man, I’m 19 and I got my first tattoo 4 weeks ago, I wanted to do it for the past year already, if it wasn’t for all the information you and other creators shared on the internet, I probably would’ve committed the mistakes you mentioned (the ones related to artists)

  16. You kind of underestimate young adults. I turned 18 and got my first tattoo 2 days after and I did a lot of research and when I say a lot of research I mean a LOT of research! My artist made a custom piece for me and I love it and think, it’s not something I‘ll regret cus it has a deep meaning and looks dope! 🙂

  17. I was 14-15 when I got a whole chest to shoulder Neo Japanese piece. I got another whole Japanese sleeve in my other arm when I was 16 and I still love it to this day.

  18. I got my first tattoo when I just turned 23, That was 1989. Just a small one but I always wished Id started with something bigger and better but at the time I just wanted a tattoo .

  19. I’m 19 and I’ve wanted a tattoo since 16, none of my friends or family have one and I’ve spent over a year thinking up design ideas. Hoping to commit to it this year.

  20. im 16 and i have talked to my parents and peole who have tattoos, and they said that my idea was good. and i have thinked it about few montsh and im thinking taking it in winter, we have scheduld whit the artitst and its pretty much done, and my close ones have said that its really good idea its like dagger and snake around it and its going to be my right arm and in my wrist what do you think

  21. I got my first tattoo when I was 20. It was a sunflower on my thigh, and I figured it would be easy to hide, and it was 3x3in, so not super big, so I could add to it if I wanted, but it'd be fine on its own if I decided tattoos weren't my thing. The artist was super talented, but I didn't vibe with his personality. I ended up going to a different guy to finish the piece, and man, I really wish I would have gone with him to begin with! The piece is about a foot long now, and I love it. The artist I like is doing a different piece on me next week, I'm super excited.

  22. lmao all these kids in the comments talking ab their horrible tattoos that they “don’t regret” like no shit, your still a child, your brain hasn’t even fully developed and half of you don’t work, and if your “18” doesn’t make u a man, ur still a kid, and you will definitely regret some of those when u become 30-40s your perspective and view changes on life and your opinions change, wait on it, it’s better for you

  23. Im 16 and got a tattoo recently. Been wanting a tattoo since 14 on my back and finally after 2 years of thinking, I finally got it. I dont regret it one bit and i love it. My tattoo is an arabic phrase on my back shoulder. im Egyptian so ik arabic. All my cousins and friends love it

  24. I just turned 17 and I really want to get a tattoo.
    I’ve done alot of research and I found a great tattoo and I have been thinking of what I want to get and I found a really meaningful and just overall great looking design
    You’re videos really helped me on this journey and I have a appointment with a great artist really soon

  25. From a 15 year old experience, just dont get something that does not mean something to you, dont get something just because it looks "cool" or because someone else has it. Get your own stuff.


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