Why Pastor Kumuyi Reacted To The Deeper Life Girl That Sang Rap In Church

Over the years, the Deeper Life Bible Church has been known for its solemn, orthodox, and quiet style of music, and as such, any …


  1. That's How they start defiling the places small small. I wonder what will happen if GS finally go to be with the Lord. It's painful. That's why God has raised pastor Paul Rika in his wisdom for this last days. God help the church.

  2. This is not Worldliness and what I will say is that if she has a calling to be a gospel singer let her continue with it. She can collaborate with Gospel Singers and she will surely do well.

    The Church has its patterns and we must not go against it.

    Shalom ❤

  3. No man owns any church, deeper Life Church is not owned by Papa kumuyi but it's owed by God almighty. What l understand in what Papa kumuyi Said is that every church has a standard and type of song that is been sang and RAP is not one of those song in deeper Life .Rap song is worldly and Demonic.

  4. All i know is that the Bible says…'in the last days, many will depart from faith'. The symptoms are very evident worldwide. Many are becoming worldly. Love not the world and the things in it, if anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him. 'It doesn't matter' has shipwrecked many people's faith in so much that they have become apostate and rebellious. I am not saying the rap lady is, perhaps she's carried away by the youthful euphoria, but, definitely, she felt doing it the way of the world, which is unbiblical, and sending a wrong signal. God please have mercy on us, we are very close to your appearing 😢

  5. That song cannot defile anybody my dear. It's not promoting sin. Sin defiled us from the beginning but Jesus Christ has saved us. It may not be accepted in the Deeper Life denomination, but Jesus Christ will not condemn it. May God help us. That song will minister to the people it's meant to minister to.

  6. Narrow is the way that lead to everlasting life and only few that finds it. Everything may be acceptable in the sight of men but God has a way and a standard that is far above men’s standard and reasoning. His ways are holiness, sobriety and righteousness. Only the few and wise may understand. I pray God give us understanding and discernment in these last days.

  7. Satan is very cunning. Before you know it, he has taken over! Please stop doing worldly music in church. Satan uses it to pollute our spirits and we move away from God and from worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth without realising it.

    Remember that satan was in charge of music in heaven before he was bannished from there, and he is a master deceiver too. Don't be deceived, brethren. Stop bringing the world into the church! Leave the world OUT THERE!


  8. The church should stop the further damage to people's lives. What evil has she committed? Let us stop being biased in our reasons. If my Father had listened to the Church years back advising him against going to a Traditional orthopedic clinic. He would have lost his legs, instead he was suspended. I am going to write Daddy Kumuyi, most of the church doctrines are self imposed not inspired by the Holy Spirit. The church has ruined so many lives. It is time to stop

  9. My Father who is foundational member till date doesn't celebrate birthdays because it evil. Some weeks ago, when they were celebrating Mummy Esther Birthday, did Daddy rebuke them? My Father beat the hell out of me (I was 3years old) because I went to watch Tales by moonlight in the 90s, today TV is not devil box.
    Most of the doctrines are not inspired by Holy Spirit, let put a stop to self-imposed doctrines it is killing us in Nigeria.


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