A heart-breaking tragedy that has befallen the body of Christ is the prevalent practise of Christian religion void of a personal …


  1. Pa Elton is a Father but he's not the Holy Spirit. So his interpretation doesn't necessarily indicate the standard of things. Paul used handkerchiefs and aprons in the new testament. Are you saying Paul also practiced paganism or idolatry?.

  2. How come Pa Elton is a mentor to Prophet Babalola when the ministry of Babalola began much earlier than 1930 before arrival of Pa Elton in 1937. Pls check up your facts before launching out your videos. I am greatly in doubt of your credibility.Dont mislead us

  3. This man is so eager to criticize pastors/Christians that he misses the point most times. He is the only one that knows the Bible while others are ignorant. Aside PA Elton, there was Assmblies of God that impacted pple like Late Rev G.O. Oyakhilomen, the Baptist mission, Anglican and even the Catholic. Did Namaan not get healing in river Jordan, was the blind not healed with mud robbed on the eyes in the new testament, did Jesus not ask Peter to get money from the fish and is the old testament not part of the Bible? Is tight not in old testament and yet you collect from members even when Jesus didn't command so in new testament? The important thing is to be sure that God is the one instructing you to do what you are doing. God can use anything to bless his pple. He can use water, herbs etc to heal if he chooses to. So you are sure God told you why he called Pastor Babalola and Archbishop Idahosa home? Remember the Bible says 'men shall give account for every idle word they say'.

  4. Men and women of God that are genuinely called do receives divine revelations and directives from God.
    It’s about personal and divine encounters they have with God.
    Jesus promised to back us up in the gospel with signs and wonders.
    We should not be quick to judgement; if we were not there when they have divine encounters.
    Our holy lives and righteousness is the peak of all things.

  5. I totally disagree with Dr Sunday Analysis about the manner Christianity is practiced in Nigeria. Firstly, he uses the medium of senses/science as against Spirit/Faith in most of his analysis. If Christianity had been practiced in the manner Pa Elton discerned it, I can tell you 100% that Christianity would be almost dead in Nigeria by now just the way its dead and keeps dying in Europe. On a daily basis, Europe is drifting away from God because they keep abstracting Christianity while Nigeria whose symbolic Christianity Model he is condemning is drifting towards God on a daily basis. Another point of correction is, if Dr Sunday has linked the early deaths of the likes of Joseph Ayo Babalola and Benson Idahosa to their using of articles/mediums, then is the untimely death in plane crash of Dr Mike Munroe also attributable to the use of mediums/symbols/articles? By the way, there have been and there are still millions of Nigerian Christian leaders who used and still using mediums and enjoyed longevity.

    Spirituality/Christianity and Mediums/Symbolism are inseparable. Even the Angels of God are very symbolic in their operations. Whenever God communicates with humans, he uses the medium of symbolism to pass across His messages. If symbolism was satanic, God wouldnt be using it in His administration of heavenly and earthly/human affairs. Also, for God to achieve the Salvation of Mankind, he had to employ the instrument of Symbolism/Medium. God had to use Jesus as a symbol/medium to reconcile back to Himself mankind. So here comes the question, why couldn't God being the Almighty just have spoken a word for mankind to be saved just like He did during the creation of heavens, earth and its inhabitants. Why did God have to use Jesus as a medium/symbol for the purpose of Salvation of Mankind? The God of Old Testament is also the God of New Testament and almost all the Apostles including Jesus made use of articles/mediums/symbols at one point or the other in the course of their earthly ministries.

    The fact that African religions or practices make use of mediums/symbols in their operations does not mean that using of Mediums has its root in the Devil. It is a public knowledge that Satan is a copycat. God commanded the Prophets of Old to also use mediums. Using of mediums/articles/symbols only tantamount to witchcraft when the powers enabling the functionalities of those mediums are from other Spiritual beings other than God.

    The primary essence of Christianity is Inheritance of the Kingdom of God , I mean life after the physical death. Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:19-23

    listed the practices that would make one a candidate or not of the Kingdom of God and using of mediums/articles/symbols was not in the list.

    "19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

    Even the Angels of God do make use of mediums/articles/symbols whenever the wrestle against demons. So If Angels of God do that, then why does it amount to a Sin when humans make use of them? In Revelation 20, the Angel that appeared to Apostle John used the instrument of symbols/mediums/articles to relate with Apostle John e.g the 7 Lamp stands, the candles, Sword etc. Even when the Angel seized, bound, locked and sealed the Serpent, Satan into the Abyss, articles/symbols/mediums of Keys, Great Chain and Abyss were used and not Spoken Words.

    In summary, Christian practices which are for earthly Salvation are not universal, rather they are local but Christian values which are determinants of Heavenly Salvation such as Faithfulness, Perseverance, Joy, Love, Kindness, Peace, Longsuffering, Justice, Holiness, Forgiveness etc are universal. The way Christianity is practiced in Eastern Europe is not the way its practiced in Western Europe. Even among the same denominations, there are variations. The way Catholicism is practiced in Europe is not the same way its practiced in South America or Africa. In other words, the determinants of the inheritance of the Kingdom of God are not Christian Practices but rather Christian values, aka Fruits of the Spirit/Fruits of the Flesh Gal 5:19-23. SHALOM

  6. Jesus, not our beloved Pa Elton, is our Perfect example. Jesus used water, clay, saliver, garment, anointing oil etc for miracles. Pa Elton was a great mentor to some of us who were personally under his ministry and ministering in the 70s and the 80s but Jesus remains our perfect example. I can't see the point you are trying to make.

  7. It's like you don't know what to say. If Babalola did not put the devil to fly, will you be alive to be saying all that you are saying? How many herbalists have you been able to convert with your teaching? Who knows Pa Elton in the history of Nigeria's revival?

  8. Mark 6:13  "And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them". Act_19:12  "So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them." James 5:14  "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord". John_6:54  Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

  9. Truly today, Nigerians and Blacks generally in Africa and America, and wherever Blacks are in the world, can hardly pray without a physical object that they can touch and see – water, bell, and in some cases, sand, salt, etc. Too much of idolatry in today's Church. May God have mercy.

  10. Man of God, we're you there when God called the man of God that you are talking about. Do you even pray about this? Mind you, you will answer every word you speak about something you don't know about. I will advise you to apply God's wisdom to whatever you say.

  11. Man of God, you must remember that God has not made you the judge of anyone. You must be careful and do whatever corrections you should make sure that everything is done in the spirit of humility.

  12. This man, DSA, has misplaced priority. he has lost his focus. i pray the devil will not bewitch us. he left the preaching of the gospel to sinners to be castigating the churches and men of God. More souls would have come to the kingdom of God if the time and resources used to do all these have been used to preach pure gospel. No wonder, Ukraine war erupted and swept your acclaimed church instead of spending time to pray and focus on your mission field, your primary assignment was abandoned . In essence, you try to make merchandise of the castigation by selling your books and attract thousands of subscibers. LOSS OF FOCUS is a vital tool in the hand of the devil to derray. I pray you REPENT and do the first work Rev 2:5🙏

  13. GOD knows your motive of doing this. The devil in the book of genesis spoke half truth with the motive of gaining attention of Adam and eve. You missed truth and errors, we leave you with your conscience. All you said is from your opinion without scriptural references. No even prayer, why is your emphasis of share , share and book sellings. Find better and right ways of generating money pls.

  14. This is quite revealing and educative. Good work. However, your blanket opinion on the derailment of the Church in Nigeria sounds like Elijah's lamentation for which he was rebuked of God and was informed that there were 7000 untainted followers of God in Israel. So also, in Nigeria, there are many labouring quietly, out of public glare and bringing up Christ-centred men and women and preparing selfless labourers for the harvest of the last days. They are not men in pursuit of worldly approbation but they are doing a great work.

  15. May God bless us all in Jesus' name.Sir,with all due respect given to you,I would like to ask you this question.

    The Old and the New Testament are they not the word of God and these elements were not used by God's elects? Why are you crying down modern day men of God?
    God asked Moses what he was haven at hand ? and Moses responded by saying rod and through it God manifested His glory. Apostle Paul also used the handkerchief to heal and bless his people.
    It is good to criticize but let it be on fact.

    Thank you sir.

  16. Thank you for your attitude of genuine concern and mercy in showing error and pointing to truth. We must always allow room for correction, repentance and restoration. We serve a merciful God.

  17. What value is this man bringing to the table. Apostle Ayo Babalola was a phenomenon in Nigeria and also arch Bishop Idahosa. How can someone say that this Great people died early because God felt that they damaged the Church. I pray God will forgive this man. Jesus gave his life to the church not Pa Elton. Who is this one? the business man in Ukraine

  18. Shut up Adelaja. Miracles were wrought from Paul and Peter’s aprons and handkerchiefs. You are worshipping pa Elton now. Pa Elton is not the standard, he is a medium. Philip in the Bible was not the greatest of apostle but he disappeared when there was need to. If it is today, you will start arguing that Peter the head of the church did not disappear, why will Philip disappear? That his power must be diabolical, the revelations of the kingdom of God is not monochristic. It is not the same in appearance and application.

    Jesus himself spat on a man’s eyes and told him to go wash his eyes. If it happens today among our preachers, you will criticize the person to death.

    Pa Elton led them to Christ, fine but he is never their God, so stop using him as a standard. The revelation and modus operandi of God does not appear the same way to every man


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