Why Most Christians are Poor (MUST WATCH) by Pastor David Ibiyeome #BishopDavidOyedepoMotivational #DavidOyedepo …


  1. The sermon is indeed inspiring and motivating…but still I ask myself between seeking to get into the Kingdom of God and seeking God's direction for successful life…which one should come first?!!… let's begin from there.

  2. The LORD makes poor and makes rich;He brings low and lift up.He raises the poor from the dust And lifts the baggar from the ash heap, to set them among Princes And make them inherit the throne of glory. 1 Samuel 2:7-8

  3. My brother, endeavor not to present a white Jesus in your video. Doing so makes some of your audience think you are still mentally colonized. Anyone that gives you a God or a deity that doesn't look like you, reject it, then start thinking critically.

  4. I see the reason why we in Nigeria have lost the basic values of life. How can one redeem a people that are so wired to believe that life revolves around material things and that money is the key to happiness. No wonder the spate of ritual killings in recent times. We glorify wealth and not contentment. We have allowed sweet talking con men on suit to flourish while the very fabrics of our society has been destroyed with their deceptive messages aimed at extorting from their members who place so much devotion on these men and play to their gallery even to the point of worship. Being a person of low means does not mean you are cursed, it simply means you are contented. Crimes in our society will be at it's lowest ebb if this con men in suit will openly repent of this lifestyle, for they themselves know that they have been propagating a lie and have heard from no god. For the almighty God who sent our lord and saviour Jeaus Christ who came into this world to die for our sins and by so doing set a template for us to follow can never be the source of the lies that have been spread by these false preachers over the years. A word is enough for the wise.


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