Jesus of Nazareth was a master storyteller, and many of his most well-known teachings were told as parables. But these stories …


  1. The parable with the farmer and the managers is a wild comparison to Jesus’ own life and Israel’s
    God sends prophets and they don’t listen then he sends his only son and they still don’t listen and kill him so they head for destruction.

  2. Jesus spoke in parables because he was rejected. He told the apostles that it was for them to know about the kingdom of heaven but for the people of his time who rejected him, everything will be given in parables.

  3. Only those God allows can understand the parables. Its not a matter of intelligence. Does not mattrr if you can read or not. Only those given the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven can understand

  4. Huh, so that's why he speaks in riddles I don't understand and search online what it means, really cool. I was having some conspiracy theories why he simply won't make things clear and all of it were wrong.

  5. Amen 🙏❤‍🔥 Good Morning Bible Project 🌞. I really like your videos because you explain the Bible in a very easy way to understand. I hope that you guys keep on doing these kinds of video in order to help more people to know Jesus Christ and be saved. They have to go to the Catholic Church, that is the church that Jesus Christ left with the Apostole Peter in charge (and who was the first pope) and nowadays the person doing this role is pope Francis in Italy. The non believers have to always be praying, worshiping God, reading the Word Of God or the Bible and they have to meditate on the Bible through day and night in a consistent way in order for them to understand God, His Will and the relationship and responsability we have with Him as our Father and our roles as His Sons as humans. We all have to be very obedient to God`s 10 Commandments which in summary are known as to: Love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself. The non believers have to go trough the catechism of the Catholic Church and get the sacraments in order for them to be saved, to be truly free, and to live as true apostoles or followers of Christ. After the non believers know the truth about Jesus Christ after becoming true followers, after achieving the sacrament of confirmation that is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they become soldiers of Jesus Christ and are able to win spiritual warfares (see Ephesians 6:10-19 "The Armor of God") against the devil, against sin, temptations, jealousy, witchcraft and other evil things that evil people do to others because they are still slaves from sin and do not live a healty spiritual life as described in Galatians 5:13 Life by the Spirit. Jesus Christ promisses to give us eternal life in the future if we keep and live by His Will, and have the sacrament of the communion and are obedient to His Commandments, and He came to give us (His Sons) life and life in abundance while still on Earth if we are always obedient to His Will. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all and your families as well. 🙏❤‍🔥

  6. This is how I see the old testament. So Jesus, taught people through parables. At a time when people weren't literate, this was the easiest way to convey a message and spread the meaning of his word. Now if we take Jesus as a human representation of God on Earth, we can see how he wants to put his message across. The old testament isn't to be taken literally, they are parables that show us how to live. Noah's Ark, Samson, the fall of Babylon, Genesis. Its not literal, they're parables that show us right from wrong and how to live. And when they failed, God came to Earth as The Son, The Word of God, to show us directly. But he spoke in parables. Because we weren't ready to convey his message in literal form.

  7. The problem with the idea of being a “master teacher” depends who one asks. Jesus has been historically cast as an “original” thinker but there is reason to believe he got many of his ideas from previous and contemporary cultures of his times.

    Virtually All the basic ideas and principles Jesus taught preceded him. Take for example the Persian era beliefs of Mythra and Zoroaster. Both of which preceded Jesus’ birth. They were monotheistic, had a promised prophet or savior, virgin births, a son of a deity, etc. Evidence suggests that what Jesus turned into Christianity was not “original.

    All Jesus did was break from Orthodox Judaism spreading a new message to Them. And of course orthodox Israelites (Jewish rabbis) viewed Jesus as a threat. The rest of the story you should already know.

  8. Yes, with parables, Jesus was trying to provoke imagination. More than that, however, parables were to provoke inquiry. Indeed Jesus announced the arrival of God's kingdom. He and the disciples were the example of the kingdom's dynamics. Puzzled over the parable of the seeds, for instance, what did the disciples do? They asked Jesus to explain. This interaction with God is the intended goal of the parables, not the enlightenment of the open-minded.

    Understanding this, now go back to the stories of the Old Testament. More than history, they too are parables underlying all the principles of the Gospel.

  9. Kind Sir…That is a great title. And if one asked 10 million Christians; they would untold different answers. So Why did Jesus tell many Parables? Huh? Well, Jesus spoke in a FAR different era that is today.

    For today; He probably would not use a lot of Parables. For remember that was a time; where MOST could NOT write and they were very uneducated. So I believe that Jesus used them; so they could understand what woul be very hard for them .

    So parables! But another case is even today; where there are many; that are not educated. Oh yes. So the Bible is good to help them to understand. And I know Jesus knew that. Praise his Holy Name.

    In any case Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!

  10. (Sorry for the VERY long "comment". But I believe it NEEDS to be said)

    Kind Sir…Allegorical and Parables and Examples: eat up all Bibles. And that causes; UNTOLD different beliefs. Sad, but OH so True!

    And NO books in Bibles; are as more filled with these problem words; than Revelation! IE: If one asks 10 million Christians to interpret a Bible you would get untold different beliefs. OH Yes. For, there are 45,000 Denominations, all over the world. And that is why they have differences, galore. May Jesus have mercy…

    And in my case…I did that from birth to 75 yrs old. But NO more! For I finally Got on my Knees, and sincerely asked Jesus to give me, "Wisdom, Understanding and the Truths! Because Jesus is the ONLY "Inerrant and Infallible" being, ever!

    And that changed my life forever. Praise Jesus' Holy Name. Who, is the name of the only True God Almighty, ever. So I first pray Only to Jesus; and pray and pray often. Sometimes 10 tines a day, really kind Sir.

    Then, ONLY open the bible. And Jesus (IF you are Born Again) will lead you to the truth; of Allegorical and Parables. Really, but it sometimes takes a long time! End of story and I rest me case Kind Sir…

    In any case Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!


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