Here are the links to the articles used in the video: Jack Coe- his empire- …


  1. Never heard of this one. So God told him to study man; Jesus isn't enough?? The stories about these men is interesting reading. However, reporting them as truth is questionable.

  2. I believe those cities are pronounced Hi-uh-lee-uh, Florida and Wax-uh-hat-chee, Texas 😆

    Please keep doing what you're doing, Mr. Long. The Church desperately needs to know the history that we haven't been taught, and where all of the current heretical teachings came from. Perhaps, once you finish with the "Charismaniacs", you might go back even further to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. You can go as far back as you want to go! We're interested and we NEED to know where this mess started.

  3. It makes me angry and disgusted for I was raised in a church and watched many false teachers. I thank GOD I am longer a part nor watch these false teachers and studying the word of GOD daily. Thank you for share the truth.

  4. Liardon will be writing another volume sooner than he thinks. Oral Roberts is dead, Kenneth Hagin is dead and Fred Price just died too. He could call it God's Generalisations. Way back in the 90s Liardon visited the church I attended and he is now working in London. Thank God for delivering me from this stuff. God bless.

  5. Another great video. Thanks, for sharing the fruits of your labors with us, it's certainly needed, as sadly, many do not heed the Scriptures admonition to test all things. Grace, and peace.

  6. Kathryn Kuhlman was another one with an ironic death, too. "You are the last youth generation before the end of the world! I bet my life on it!" she said and died less than a year later.

  7. I met this evil bastard when I was 13 years old in Washington DC at his so called tent revival, his claim to fame was his tent was bigger than Oral Roberts . I had left the hospital after an gasoline explosion which I caused my arms got infected boils all over my arms my right arm was worst in an L shape and I could not bend it for months due so my boils and poison in my system the pain was horrible .
    A friend of the family started taking me to Pentecostal churches in the area for healing. I seen people yell, scream, bark like dogs, roll in the isles, make animal noises, act insane, and preaching fire and brimstone .

    Then Jack Coe came in town to do business big tent and all stealing every dime from the poorest of the poor yelling telling everyone how some type of god was going to heal everyone his god was a real problem solver no matter what the need with organ music playing in the background always passing the wicker baskets for money more money .

    I started to go I think everyday for healing services afternoons and evenings with the same promises of god will heal you but you have to have faith, really ? that's what he said when I unwrapped my arms with towels so he could see the gross boils and puss flowing from my wounds he turned his head and said have faith young man, next in line.

    That's how I remember this fake preacher I heard he died in a dump hotel a drunk hope you suffered a lot and slow for all the people you gave false hope to in the past left with broken hearts and no knowledge of what our true God is about and our Lord Jesus who suffered on the cross for our for our sins and Salvation, the greatest gift to mankind .

  8. Just as Ironic as william branham loosing his head … LITERALLY …HEAD CLEAN OFF… GOD's word is so good…we reep what we sew … corruption reeps corruption … lies reep lies, you get the point. These men like him copeland, hinn,branham,Lake, parham,dowie and many more… BILL JOHNSON had the opportunity of a lifetime when covid broke out at his false profit(yes I meant to spell with f and not ph) school, 248 students and bill could have just walked right over there to his school and showed what a great healer he truly is: repent BILL JOHNSON you are not fooling GOD ALMIGHTY and you are not fooling anyone else with a mediocre I.Q. and who have even read the bible 2-3 times first to last page front to back.

  9. This is fun! I'm an East Texas Native! WAXAHACHIE! WAK as in WALK with an X as in waX, A as in UH (what's UP), hatch as in a chicken's eggs hatching, E as in BEE. WOK-SUh-HATCH-EE. On a different note, my grandmother who is 86 years old, told me of attending a Jack Coe meeting as a 12 year old (1947) in Tyler TX. She and her mother were shocked when people removed jewelry, rings and even a pair of baby shoes were put in the offering plate. My great-grandmother had one of his books from that meeting and she would NOT allow me to read it. Powerful.

  10. Please read my entire comment. I knew Jack Coe, Jr. A wicked man, plus Lennard Darbee, worked with Coe Sr., for five years. He told me, that Coe, told him, that he had had syphilis, so many times, that " it was like a bad cold", and Darbee also said that over radio, KBLE. But, even though Coe Jr. was twelve years old, when Coe died, Coe Jr. proves to me, that Coe didn't raise his son right. Coe Jr. told me about all the books he had written
    This was in 2006. When I asked if the books were about fasting, faith etc., he laughed at me and said, I like to eat!! He was at least 300 pounds. Over the years, I now wonder if the healings, were real. I set up a meeting for Coe Jr, and then he made a mockery of everything.

  11. First off, you are a liar. Jack Coe NEVER, NEVER took credit for healing anybody. Listen to what Jack Coe preached. He preached the Word of God. Jack Coe was simple in his understanding of the Word of God, no doubt. But, there were people healed because of the Faith that Jack Coe had in God. Just because somebody raises money to do more ministry, I can not fault them for this. As a minister of the Gospel, I preach Divine Healing myself. Divine Healing is a gift of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 12:9). Divine healing is completed because of the Blood of Jesus (Isaiah 53:5). The elders of the Church (preachers) are commanded to lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover (Mark 16:18). Just because you do not get healed the first time you go up for prayer does not mean that the preacher is a fake. Unlike Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn, Jack Coe (regardless of results) Gave glory to God. Unlike Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn, Jack Coe was used of God and many were actually healed in his meetings. Unlike Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn, Jack Coe preached truth. His doctrine for the most part was sound and according to a plain reading of the Bible. Jack Coe preached Holiness and this is one of the main reasons why God used Him. I could not help but comment on this video. You, Sir, remind me of what the New Testament writer wrote, “But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.” (Jude verses 17-19). Jack never claimed to practice medicine. He just put people in contact with Dr. Jesus, who is our Great Physician. Thank You.

  12. What i noticed was, instead of getting people ready to seek God, to seek true repantance and mercy from God, they keep them in this hopes of healings and other things instead of getting ready for heaven and to meet their maker by faith in Jesus Christ alone through grace alone. Its just my take? What do any brothers and sister think on this mattern?

  13. This preacher seen so many healed and yet because of this one story out of thousands, you determine it’s Gods judgment? That’s about the shallowest commentary I’ve ever seen. It could be Gods judgment but I would think it was because of turning Gods gifts into a business. Kind of like you making a business out of tearing down books and ministers that you have to look hard to find something this shallow to speak of. I wonder what everyone will say about you after your gone.


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