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  1. I had flashbacks to my childhood with this video. I remember going to the Christian store and buying a bunch of Christian music CD’s😭 Jamie Grace, Lecrae, Toby Mac, Mandisa. They way that this stuff is nostalgic for me I-

  2. What's always been interesting to me is that what this whole movie is based off, Friedrich Nietzsche's God is Dead, isn't necessarily based off the thought that god is dead. Basically it boils down to him believing that without a god, people could create their own values and morals and live according to them. That people would have better morals if they truly reflected and decided what they thought was most important, instead of regurgitating what they had been taught in church. Which is an incredibly insightful idea, and even if you are religious you can take that idea and use it to evaluate your true identity and values.
    It was never based off him just hating god. Which is where my problem in Christianity (and many other things) lies, taking only bits and pieces of information and molding them to fit your own narrative; instead of laying all the information out and allowing people to draw their own conclusions. This movie is only one small example of this.

  3. I remember the gods not dead, I LOVED the band newsboys because they had a song named ‘gods not dead’ but looking back on it, it’s so and and I vividly remember a scene about this this Muslim girl who got beat by her dad with a studded belt because she wanted become Christian

  4. lol as a preachers kid who went to vacation Bible school every summer, I'm thinking it's so that the girls wouldn't tie their shirts into a crop top which is why they put the design so low.

  5. I can get the teacher not liking God, I was at a debate competition and the only real argument was God, like they researched the different ways our opinion went against the Bible or Quran and then that was why they were right. Discussing ethics or philosophy when the only excuse is god it’s kinda shitty

  6. As someone who's Christian but not crazily tied to their faith, I find seeking out obscure 60s and 70s Jesus Freak records very entertaining. There was an interesting meld of psychedelic rock and Christian rock literally called "Jesus music" that is honestly great to listen to. Not even ironically, some of the albums in there go hard. D.R. Hooker's "The Truth", The Search Party's "Montgomery Chapel", and Fraction's "Moon Blood" are all stellar pieces of psychedelia and Jesus Freak stuff.

  7. That professor character feels like what extremist christians think an atheist is like. Majority of atheists, like myself, just vibe and want to live our own lives in peace without being bothered with religion. The only time i get heated over religion is when someone is using it as justification for their crappy behavior.

  8. tbh I just clicked on this to sus you out. I know I'm subscribed to… one of your channels. I'll let you know that you pass the vibe check. I think the introduction really helps and I wish more content creators are considerate like you. I feel like a lot of content creators expect their audience to have the same opinions and belief systems as them… which is inevitably going to be untrue unless someone manages to clone themself. Cultivating an echo chamber is terrible.
    All I really ask out of my content creators is to not be bigots. You can literally have the opposite beliefs as me, but as long as your primary content is stuff I'm interested in, then you're cool and I'll watch your stuff (well maybe not COMPLETE opposite. Like if some man says "women have a gatherer mindset. men have hunter mindset" and use that to justify toxic masculinity, I will literally puke and block the account). But I do think that certain stuff has to be just put in the back burner like ~politics and religion~

    I'll be honest I quite like learning about content creator's belief journeys for the most part… I do get a little scared for them regardless of what they say though because there will always be a crazy person in the comments (either, YOU HAVE TO DO THIS OR YOU'LL GO TO HECK. or BEING A CHRISTIAN IS NOT FEMINISM). So honestly if I never know someone's faith journey…. I'm cool with that. Especially on the internet where we have to control how much we post online.

  9. You're really surprised by how dumb this movie is? Kevin Sorbo is in it. And asking Christheads to be explorative and nuanced goes against everything they believe and practice. There are Christians who are more practical about their faith, but those people wouldn’t write this movie. And a professor wouldn’t sign off on what Hawking says in a debate, that's a faulty argument. They obviously, and lazily, took some argument they had with an atheist and put in this film. Thank you for watching this for us so we didn’t have to.

  10. For my religion class a while back, our teacher made us watch God’s Not Dead and then tried to get us to go out and make a project on how God isn’t Dead based off of the movie and talking to other Christians 💀

  11. I am a Christian, and I've got ah… two.. things to say, so first off, I feel like every Christian on the internet is the worst possible representation for Christians, seriously… y'all, also people have more bad experiences then good, which is depressing, and second, CHRISTIAN. BASED. MOVIES. SUCK. like, I think the Chosen is a excellent movie, and their are good ones, but most are on a dangerous line of being serious cringe. That being said, not every church and religious body acts like there in a cult. I'm also sorry if you've had a bad experience with Christians the takeaway Isa promise we don't all suck. ❤

  12. Forcing your religion on people is unconstitutional in the United States. Refusing to acknowledge another’s religion and not allowing them to practice is also against the constitution of the United States. Telling someone their religion is bullshit is not against the constitution of the United States, but is assholeish and wrong. No one in “God is not Dead” is right.

  13. I remember when I was little my grandma would make me watch this musical production that was about the story of Jesus and the entire story was told through songs by Imagine Dragons. I will never forget forget Judas singing the song Demons after ratting out Jesus 💀

  14. How are you gonna talk about Christian propaganda and not mention Chick tracts? And if you don't know about chick tracts….boy are you in for a treat. 😂😂😂😢😢

  15. what happened to Christian music within the past 20-30 years… it’s so sad…. aside from hymns and gospel which have stayed relatively the same since their respective creations. but within pop/rock, something went horribly wrong… Christians need to get back to their roots: bands like Azitis, The New Creation, White Light, Sixth Station…. even more ambiguous music like Pearls Before Swine (there are a lot of Christian themes in their songs [even their band name is from Matthew 7:6 “give not that which is holy unto the dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn ye once and rend ye”] but they weren’t self-proclaimed or labeled as Christian music), or the album 666 by Aphrodite’s Child (the album was a musical interpretation of the Book of Revelation but the band as a whole wasn’t Christian music)… please…

  16. As a christian (catholic), a major reason why so much christian art is so bad is that so many christians have a persecution complex/feel like mainstream culture is corrupting, so they have a moral duty to support anything that labels itself "Christian" to counteract that. This means they have very low standards in terms of actual artistic merit. Companies know they can make profits off shoddy work as long as it's "Christian" because lots of people will support it because simply calling yourself christian is seen as countercultural witness.

    Obviously this doesn't mean every single christian artist takes no pride in their work or that there's no good contemporary christian art, but there's less of a filter pushing actual talent to the top, and like you pointed out, shoddy, self-righteous art isn't even effective "witness" because it doesn't make anyone want to learn more about Jesus, it just pushes people away. But it makes some christians feel like they're "saving the culture" by going to see a movie, so it makes money.

  17. 29:20 that is genuinely so fucking funny considering Tyler Joseph used to make extremely Christian music when he was younger so you technically still never escaped listening to christian ppl's music at the time just maybe not his most religious songs LMAO

  18. I saw Newsboys in concert a few times when I was a kid, and I my brother and I used to be obsessed with them. We met them and a meet and greet, and when they shook my brother's hand, my brother said that he was never going to wash that hand again. We were starstruck. That said brother is now a hardcore agnostic, and I'm undecided when it comes to faith-so that's neat.


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