Why I MUST speak out against Gay closted pastors like Bishop Eddie Long!


  1. Walter I want to share something very personal with you and with the people that listen to you so that they understand what's going on …I am 51 years old …….when I was three I was sodomized I was raped and I was thrown out of the window and left for dead ……..I was found and put in the system ……when I was put in the system I was adopted out to a woman who was not married and who I later found out suffered from bipolar disorder……. I was raised by this person…. I was molested by several people that she decided to leave me with including her boyfriend who so happen to have signed my birth certificate as my father….. because back then you had to be married or have a significant other in order to adopt an Afro American child of course it wasn't the same rules for white kids….. I spent the better part of the beginning of my life recovering from a Trumatic brain injury from that fall from the window stenosis of the spine which is now developed into a lesion that is in operable so they are just keeping me comfortable at this point……. my mom is dead my dad is dead ……I took care of both of them is spite of the fact that they destroyed me…… I cared for them with dignity because hospice was my specialty……. and so now I am left here alone with no family and a spinal injury that is surely working very slowly to take me out of here…….. so when I see people like bishop Eddie long who died peacefully surrounded by friends and family and I even know the possibility of what he could've done it makes me wonder what kind of god would allow somebody like that to go out like he did with all that love…… when somebody like me who has spent their entire life suffering and taking care of people and making sure that they were comfortable in their last hour of life that my return could be so horrible almost as horrible as my beginning it proves to me that you're Theory must be absolutely correct and I tell you this if they're really truly is a heaven and hell for some of us the hell is right here on earth because all I have to look forward to is the afterlife……. don't stop what you doing brotha keep on using your gift and know that it is people like me who watch you and at least they get s laugh in between the pain some kind of comfort ……you give us everything Walter and I thank you and if there is a God may he bless you……🌹

  2. Bernice King led that anti-gay march to her father's grave in 2005. Notice that she is 53 years old, never married and don't have any kids, and there has never been a photo of her dating any man. I am not saying that it means that she is gay. But, I do know that many closet gays join the ministry so that their families do not become suspicious as to why they have never married or dated.

  3. I didn't know Bernice was in the closet!  Damn.  But I sure do remember that march against gay marriage.  And then came the fall.  Scandals. Revelations.  Foolish hypocrites all of them.  Being that Bernice is Dr. MLK Jr.'s daughter, she ought to be particularly ashamed of herself living a lie when her father fought for justice and truth.  Shame of all shames.

  4. Some of the churches you mentioned are open & affirming( Vision, Victory, Tabernacle) so if you wanna go I say go to those. I say to each their own. I choose to believe in and follow the principles listed in the Bible & other books of spirituality, with a critical eye.

  5. Walter,   As you already know, YOU live in reality, and many people DON'T. What else can be said about this entire situation you have spoke of here. Also, some folks learn from their mistakes, and some folks never do. All races do these things, whites especially, just hide it more.

  6. Why tf are you conveniently glossing over the fact that Eddie Long wasn't just an "in the closet" gay man. HE WAS ALSO A PEDOPHILE. HE PREYED ON UNDERAGE BOYS. *CHILDREN*. His victims spoke out about it and everything, so there's no way you couldn't have known about it. He was a sick monster. That shit makes me sick to my stomach, as it should you. Don't you care about that?

    Hmmmm….I'm giving you the side eye from here on out…..

  7. I am hollering over here 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭
    "why the fuck would I sit up in that bullshit & participate in that bullshit……I'd be pretty gotdamn stupid…….that's why I can't stand these sissies" Omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    I ❤ you Walter!

  8. Religion has many of us messed up. I love my mom dearly but I cant have a conversation with her without her bringing God into it. Its hard to talk to or even take someone seriously when they keep bringing up imaginary characters in the discussion.

  9. I think many of the people who protest the loudest are DL! I believe Pence is gay, and reason he protests it so much, he thinks this convinces people he is straight! He has pushed for gay conversion therapy! Wonder how many times he has gone thru that therapy? He should know by now that the ish doesn't work! I think they are actually jealous of people who are out and happy, because they have to hide due to their professed Christianity!

  10. Well shit! I didn't know Bernice King was a lesbian! Nevertheless I'm glad you speak against these bisexual pastors with their deceptive asses. Bishop Eddie Longstroke was at MINIMUM bisexual, fucking boys though he had a wife.

  11. We are our own worst enemy. What he did was not only hypocritical but recklessly hateful. On top of victimizing sons of the congregation he has stoked more division among militantly religious ignoramuses and the young gay people coming of age that they’re related to. How unnecessary, ugly and unfortunate that march was.


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