As Christians who believe in a limitless creative God, should we demand better films or settle for what is given to us because its …


  1. As the screenwriter of a number of PureFlix films, I could hardly agree more with your perspective. I grew up watching indie films of the 80s and 90s, those filmmakers managed to make art with small budgets because they had a passion for the medium. It's not the budgets. It is a disregard for the art of filmmaking. And faith films will not get better until the audience demands something better, but they tend to evaluate films solely on the message itself. As for the counterproductive hatred of atheists and other non-believers, I tried to buck that trend. In Hidden Secrets, the first film produced by PureFlix (but its second release), my co-writer and I sought to create a fuller, more sympathetic portrayal, and, if the following review is any indication, we succeeded:

    "But don't dismiss Hidden Secrets as The Big Chill rewritten from a Christian perspective. It has the nerve to make one of its most appealing characters, a stem-cell researcher played by John Schneider, an atheist and the least appealing a scripture-spouting hypocrite. While its proscriptive tendencies might not sit well with some moviegoers, it does strive to distinguish between sinner and sin. Even the death merchant and the homosexual – played by Arkansan Corin Nemec – are worthy of love and respect; it's their actions that God despises."

    Nowadays, however, the audience reward films that fight the Culture War for them. It is easier to generate anger than compassion. I have no interest in that.

    As for the muddled purpose of Christian films, I think you will appreciate my recent blog:

  2. I always had a idea for a Christian movie that's about a Christian family that is divided because one side or one family member found their own path as a Buddhist or some other religion. And a character from the Christian side of the family trys to convince the rest of the family that when Jesus said love thy neighbor and thy enemy that they aren't succeeding in what Jesus himself said. Netflix I'm accepting director roles

  3. Just one look at Christian movies make me cringe and want to jump off a building and this is coming from a Christian.The only thing that comes close to Christian Media and not be able to Cringe is Prince of Egypt, Narnia, The Chosen and that one short film anime scene of Jesus’s death

  4. I like historical Christian movies such as the Chosen, or Mary Magdalene. Because I can feel the culture, it’s emotional, and it makes me think of how Jesus Christ is truly the King.

  5. These movies are "culture war" propaganda. They help politicize and even militarize christianity. Churches across the country are doing the same thing, creating a radicalized group of conservative, christian fascists to vote their way. It's a way of pooling power into a single political and cultural movement.

  6. this. THIS. it's such a shame that Christian movies are poorly written and completely out of touch with how people actually work. i understand movies are a fantasy world, but Christian movies aren't supposed to be fantastical. they're supposed to be real. it feels much more like "we are perfect and they are The Other, therefore they're horrible." it's ridiculous. can you imagine what ACTUALLY well-written Christian movies could look like if they were honest and not just a series of traumatic events with a sermon tacked on the end? they'd be fantastic! moving and genuine and you'd walk out of the theatre feeling understood and humbled, not hating atheists and feeling better than everyone.

  7. The movies reflect the racist exclusion of Black people just as this video does. White Christians are openly embracing Christian (White) Nationalism and violence to overturn the government while movies and music are all you can talk about. 😮‍💨

  8. If they are going to teach christian values, they need the talent to do that without being a bad parody. In Mexico exists "La rosa de Guadalupe" which is a telenovela about social problems resolved by praying to Virgin of Guadalupe with a magical rose, it's bad done but it's entertaining to watch ironically , there are plenty of video reactions around hispanic youtube. Those movies remind me of RDG in their poor quality but they don't have "the room" thing.

  9. Being the only atheist in my family thought me that singlar people dont go and scream at every atheist they see,and they usually just go do theyr thing,there is so much on peoples heads in this time that they dont care about someones beliefe"do what you were told to do and leave" its a very popular line in place i live where 90% of citizens are christian .The extrieme people arent realy here ,only some priests and old grannies.The younger people are way more under pressure to watch a christian movie or consume christian media.

  10. Me and my wife are watching budget Christian production from Nigeria. So many good movies, so many more angles of things, all on youtube for free. Of course, quality is also budget, but lots of good stuff.

  11. the plot is so cliche` and misinformed, because crosses arms and uses mocking tone "Jesus, man!" jesus fucking christ, get to know the perspective of why we deconstructed and deconverted and show us some respect. sheesh!🙄😑

  12. I watched this because I too am a Christian creative and I feel like something's missing from Christian media today. Yeah I believe you should have a passion for the message (not just following Jesus blindly but actually thinking about His teachings and using them to create meaningful experiences that touch the audience), but I also believe that you should have a passion for your medium as well… if you don't it shows. I believe that every great piece of media, whether it be films, books, games, anime, etc. was created by individuals who really cared about their message AND had a passion for their medium.

    Edit: Thank you for recommending the Silence movie, I'll try to check it out!

  13. Christian movies have come a long way and are the only decent movies to watch and most christians movies I watch are really good and have a good message. I guess if you like all the Hellywood movies that people like to watch with all the profanity and sex. I guess I can see why you think Christian movies are bad. But if you let the Holy Spirit move in your heart you would really enjoy the movies that can and are a blessing to many people.


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