brganalysis #bishopdavidoyedepo Bishop Oyedepo was said to be attacked in his church Dec 2021 as well as being worshiped …


  1. Something is wrong with your head for bringing this type of topic. Is Oyedepo your mate?. The man that knelt down, is he Oyedepo's mate?. Why not make use of your head. You are just privileged to travel out of Nigeria, you are not an intellectual in anyway. There's nothing wrong in giving honor to whom honor is due.

  2. Matt 20:25-28
    Mark 10:42-45 esp 45
    Whosoever of you will be the chiefest shall be SERVANT of all..
    Same thing in
    Luke 22:25-27
    And John gospels 13:4-15

    If only we read our Bible
    It's hilarious how Jesus in the whole gospels from Mat to John spoke about this. It is as if Jesus knew this "false doctrine" of worshiping pastors will take place so He seeing the future wolves before time warn against it before hand…

  3. If you truly kneel down to every elder you see, then it is good that you kneel to your papa. if you dont, then it is hypocritical to ascribe the same reverence you give to God to your papa…And it is worse for those papas' to accept it as their due

  4. I have always maintained that I will do certain things to see I honour pastor if I haven't first done such to my earthly father.

    If those in the video do same when tjey meet their earthly parents, no issues. If they don't, if they ascribe such forms of 'respect' to their spiritual leaders but don't revered their biological parents in same manner, then, they are hypocrites and eye serviced individuals to me.

  5. Let us read Revelation 22:9. What the man did is worship, which is wrong. And I don't know why people think that a man of God will lay hands on you to succeed in his Christian calling? It is the Holy Spirit that does the anointing. After all, the Bible says lay hands suddenly on no man.

  6. Idolatry on fleek.
    and we wonder why/how the children of Israel keeps stumbling into idolatry even after seeing God's mighty hand.
    These men have sold themselves as gods before their followers. A pity indeed!

  7. Oh my world…my heart bleeds when I hear the man in the background crying begging papa to pray for him. I do not pity the man but pity the fact that the devil has made a mockery of Christianity in Africa…where do they keep Jesus?? Was Jesus's death in vain??it sickens me to my soul seeing this!

  8. Well personally I think it all boils down to God who sees the heart of men. You see it as an act of human worship the man kneeling down sees it as an encounter with destiny. You see a proud rich bishop who is content with people worshipping him but only God sees his heart. King David's wife told him " you dance naked before the people shamelessly", David responded I danced before God who delivered me from the hands of your father King Saul".

    And by the way, the lesser is bless of the greater. Period!

  9. Even angels will tell you to get up. Not to worship them and they are a little higher than us, but they know that we should only bow down to The Most High God. 😢😢😢😢 this is shameful.

  10. Exodus 20:5 You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me. Maybe that's why things are not working for him because he is seeking help from the wrong one the bible says your help comes from God, that man has no power

  11. Wow nice one amazing congratulations 😁 that dance my goodness much love guy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I always follow you for 2 years now but I have never comment I never knew you are am Igbo Man 😁 my husband is an Igbo Man though Am not from Nigeria one thing surprised me called me our wife and I will call them My husband what?? I told my husband I can't,, this is unbelievable 😳😳 too much drama 😳😳 am like what??


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