Taken from July 2020 Q&A: https://youtu.be/GtYs5Zm0qWM The clips on this channel are selected and compiled by certain …


  1. Christianity is so deeply ingrained into western culture that a truely inspired story built on Christianity would not be overtly Christian. Christian symbolism is used extensively in many different works of fiction to great effect, but the problem is when storytellers start making propaganda. A propaganda story is one that assumes it's conclusion too strongly and arrogantly, they write assuming they already know the answer, instead of asking a question and letting the story explore what the answer could be.

  2. Please help!!! I was raised to think the Bible is about “being saved” and our point of living is to show people to be saved. If this isn’t the case, please some one clarify how we are to live or reference a video or something I can use to explore this further

  3. Allow me to bring ease to you all to suggest Christian movies and Books that are actually nuanced and Good
    The Divine Comedy
    Paradise Lost
    Pilgrim's Progress
    J.R.R Tolkien's Works
    C.S Lewis' Works
    The Ten Commandments
    Flannery O' Connor
    Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
    Jesus of Nazereth
    The Prince of Egypt
    Passion of the Christ
    The Case for Christ (ironically made by the same Producers of the well-intended yet pretentious 'God's Not Dead' Series)
    Hacksaw Ridge
    and most recently…
    Dallas Jenkins' The Chosen

    Also this Anime short I saw called 'My Last Day'.

    Also Veggietales…….Yeah I said it! . . ………..It makes me laugh.

  4. Those types of movies and stories are so ideological and shallow. I think they actually do more harm to people's faith and understanding of Christianity than they do good. It’s so unfortunate

  5. Wait… Is not being saved the purpose of our existence? I thought you had said several times that it is all about theosis, the sanctification of one own's life, devoting it to God, etc. Even Jesus commanded (and I'm hoping not to be out of context) christians to be 'the light of the world', didn't he? I hope I wasn't all wrong about it… Could anyone explain?

  6. Those few scenes in Ben Hur involving Christ or where He is spoken of are more powerful and inspired than every single typical Christian film made today. Some foreign films are also criminally neglected – as is the Passion Of Christ!


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